I TAKE MY SYMPATHY BACK HES A POS!! 1) He knew she didn't feel the same to start with and forced it anyway 2) Regardless of that, he was still in a relationship and he CHEATED!! At least break up first! That other girl is just as bad, they honestly deserve each other (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I love the drama though I won't lie, I hope this gets a physical release lol

uggghhh... what the hell did Haruki say to everyone....!!! I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but it was already obvious she didnt even want to be in this relationship, she should've just stopped it before things escalated! Im already so angry, why do I feel like she's made MC out to be a creep? kids are so fucking cruel
lol, she's so delusional. you think our cute brother is going to like you more over a book? good luck with that