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Leigh February 3, 2025 4:29 pm

he really just can't tuck his horse even for just this one time

Leigh January 27, 2025 1:14 am

I'm sorry taekyung but I'm afraid you're stuck in this shit forever

Leigh's questions ( All 4 )

Leigh January 3, 2025 8:25 pm

I only indulge myself with BL contents and feel disgusted if i see GL ones. Like i could only tolerate male to male contents. And its not only limited to GL, i also can't read straight manhwas if it has smut TT.

    daddy January 3, 2025 8:31 pm

    What about GL is disgusting to you? Because, yes, that would imply homophobia; being a woman and preferring to watch men have sex isn't bad because (assuming you're straight) you'd like watching men get it on

    not being able to read smutty straight manhwas is concerning tho, but I guess you just don't like watching women fuck??

    idk, ive had my experience with woman who read BLs being big creeps when it comes to gay men. review your own personal values when it comes to homosexuality ^^;

    ChunHuiji4 January 3, 2025 8:34 pm

    Dawg read whatever you want, unless you are actively shitting on people it doesn't matter

    If only gay smut makes your heart sing so be it

    Elysia's lover January 3, 2025 8:34 pm

    You're fetishizing mlm contents...that's the problem....Not sure if you're homophobic but one things for sure you are lesbophobic

    Please seek help

    lemonkun January 3, 2025 8:37 pm

    As long as you are not prejudiced and discriminate against LGBTQ people in your day to day life, you're not homophobic.

    lemonkun January 3, 2025 8:38 pm

    Do not discriminate*

    dadamango January 3, 2025 8:39 pm

    listen to user daddy they know what they r talking about, but seeing as u wrote u get disgusted with gl, probably homophobic man

    EYAH January 3, 2025 8:59 pm

    is this misogyny or homophobia? we'll never know *cries a river* /sarc

    the fact that you hate straight romance "might" also mean that you cannot stand seeing women with another guy (yes, this is something i saw from someone online who shares the same opinion as you) WHICH WOULD MAKE ME ASK,,,,, DO YOU HATE WOMEN?

    what even is the thought process when you posted this

    Hop off my dick January 3, 2025 9:00 pm

    (Internalised) misogyny

    Its not something people are born with but it is because of their environment
    Its absolutely not acceptable though. You’re not forced to read gl or straight smut ofc that’s your preference
    The problem is that you’re a gay porn addict
    (I can’t shame you because i cant go a day without reading one it’s hypocritical, but i do read gl and b/g )

    Disgusting is very strong word also, so start questioning yourself about how you feel about lesbians or women in general
    Like do you feel disgusted looking at 2 women holding hands romantically? If yes i see that as a mental illness

    Wuluwuluwuh January 3, 2025 9:08 pm

    disgusted is a strong word. I wouldnt give af if gl isnt ur forte its ur preference anyways

    But gl is still a woman and woman interaction that depicts real life situations so being “disgusted” by it is pretty lesbophobic. Not to mention if ur both disgusted by gl and straight ones do u just dislike women being seen in romantic situations in general??? (Gen question)

    Like its ur preference to not like something but “disgusted”???? U need to open your mind bae cuz thats pretty homophobic

    passerby January 3, 2025 9:10 pm

    Internalised misogyny

    Wuluwuluwuh January 3, 2025 9:11 pm
    You're fetishizing mlm contents...that's the problem....Not sure if you're homophobic but one things for sure you are lesbophobicPlease seek help Elysia's lover


    Сушка January 3, 2025 9:26 pm

    I kinda know what you mean. I also only enjoy reading bl and not gl.
    I like it more that straight manhwas because when there is a girl (I’m talking about straight) I start seeing myself in her or compare them to me? And that makes me uncomfortable, well not so much anymore but I still don’t enjoy smut.

    But I wouldn’t say that makes you homophobic, like the others said unless you are actively against them. I have girl friends who are gay and I don’t see them differently from straight friends, and I don’t understand why anyone would.

    If you really are homophobic try reading „The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All“. Maybe that will help you figure it out

    But yeah don’t judge yourself to much, enjoy what you enjoy and don’t judge others :)

    Elysia's lover January 3, 2025 9:38 pm


    Iheartlitc January 3, 2025 10:00 pm

    lowk ur prob js a porn addict

    LGtfo January 3, 2025 10:02 pm

    I kinda get it. I don’t like that they have the same parts as me but being disgusted ain’t good.

    Leigh January 3, 2025 10:15 pm
    is this misogyny or homophobia? we'll never know *cries a river* /sarcthe fact that you hate straight romance "might" also mean that you cannot stand seeing women with another guy (yes, this is something i saw ... EYAH

    No I don't hate women It's just that I'm probably a little conservative and not ready for those acts as a woman that it affects my reading preferences. I can read it just fine in novels but not with visuals.

    Leigh January 3, 2025 10:17 pm
    lowk ur prob js a porn addict Iheartlitc

    I haven't intentionally watched porn ever fyi the ones I've seen was ones I've accidentally saw when scrolling through twt and those are between men too. Haven't seen straight ones as well.

    Leigh January 3, 2025 10:23 pm
    What about GL is disgusting to you? Because, yes, that would imply homophobia; being a woman and preferring to watch men have sex isn't bad because (assuming you're straight) you'd like watching men get it onno... daddy

    I've talked about this with one of my friends and she said its probably normal cause she feels the same way too but can tolerate bxb. And men probably can tolerate gxg but not with gay shits. It's probably has something to do with our environment idk TT

    Grogg January 3, 2025 10:23 pm

    If you are asking yourself that, then there’s a good chance there is a bit of homophobia and misogyny there. Probably more misogyny if you are going out of your way to only read BL. Because in BL it’s very common to not have side characters that are female or give them much screen time.
    But we don’t know you.. so we can’t tell you how you feel. That’s something you gotta explore on your own and a prejudice you have to rid yourself of. Good luck!

    tanasie January 3, 2025 10:35 pm

    you’re a lesbophobic misogynistic person that likes to fetishize gay men, there’s your answer. you can’t claim to enjoy lgbtq content if you’re only okay with one group and disgusted by all the others, if that makes sense. reflect on yourself i guess,, whether it’s internalized or something else, just try to get over it. it’s one thing to consume more gay content than lesbian content due to how popular it is + personal preference, but it’s a completely different thing being disgusted by lesbian content and ONLY wanting to read gay content.

    if you want to try out some gl-centric things and get out of your comfort zone you should read either “i love amy” or “the guy she was interested in wasn’t a guy at all”

    daddy January 3, 2025 11:00 pm
    I've talked about this with one of my friends and she said its probably normal cause she feels the same way too but can tolerate bxb. And men probably can tolerate gxg but not with gay shits. It's probably has ... Leigh

    From your language, I really suggest you and your friend taking a step back and acknowledging why you read what you read.
    I agree to it being an environment thing because the men who like watching lesbians have sex and not gay men (in any sort of romantic instance) are indefinitely homophobic, you have the markings of a lesbophobe, my friend :/

    Please genuinely try to improve or you'll become a really dangerous person with that mindset (^^)b

    Wuluwuluwuh January 3, 2025 11:06 pm
    YEY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS THE QUEEN OF YURI!!!!! >< Elysia's lover

    FR!! ur a hualian shipper too i fw u heavy (◞‸◟)

    daddy January 3, 2025 11:07 pm
    I've talked about this with one of my friends and she said its probably normal cause she feels the same way too but can tolerate bxb. And men probably can tolerate gxg but not with gay shits. It's probably has ... Leigh

    Men who enjoy watching lesbians in a sexual sense but dislike gay men in romantic senses are homophobes and you (and your friend/circle of friends) seem to have the markings of a lesbophobe.
    From your language I really encourage not only you but your friends to really figure out why you read what you read!

    Please take the advice in the comments seriously, to keep this mindset means becoming a dangerous person and that would suck, horribly!! I promise lesbians (and heterosexuals) are really cool!! (^^)b

    daddy January 3, 2025 11:08 pm

    oh wait, sorry, I commented twice, I thought the other one didnt send.. welp

    Wuluwuluwuh January 3, 2025 11:11 pm
    I've talked about this with one of my friends and she said its probably normal cause she feels the same way too but can tolerate bxb. And men probably can tolerate gxg but not with gay shits. It's probably has ... Leigh

    “Its not my thing” and “im disgusted by it” are different btw. Guys that dgaf abt bl but isnt repulsed by it is a preference, guys who are genuinely disgusted are homophobic/fetishizes women and vice versa for women.

    The main point here is u saying ur disgusted by it which is why this argument even exists. Judging by how you only consume bl and yuck to all, its a clear sign of internalized misogyny and possible lesbophobia.

    No shade but gurl u cant keep making excuses just bc u know ppl who experienced the same. Keep a narrow mind is all i can say and u asking this means ur aware. Hope u self reflect gl!!

    Leigh January 3, 2025 11:41 pm
    “Its not my thing” and “im disgusted by it” are different btw. Guys that dgaf abt bl but isnt repulsed by it is a preference, guys who are genuinely disgusted are homophobic/fetishizes women and vice ve... Wuluwuluwuh

    right thinking back i might be really homophobic toward gxg but its not like i choose to feel that way, i cant help but that way. I mean i dont say shits about them, its just that i cant get used to it the reason why i avoid those contents.

    Wuluwuluwuh January 4, 2025 12:44 am
    right thinking back i might be really homophobic toward gxg but its not like i choose to feel that way, i cant help but that way. I mean i dont say shits about them, its just that i cant get used to it the reas... Leigh

    Girl i sent u a mail i promise its not a hate speech, and feel free to use or discard it however you see fit. Ty!

    kitkat January 4, 2025 4:28 am

    ur just a weirdo, hope this helps!

    Me_for_ president January 4, 2025 6:43 am

    You probably have internalized misogyny and a weirdo. People like you are seriously missing out on great stories especially when it comes to gl.

    Mai January 4, 2025 5:33 pm
    right thinking back i might be really homophobic toward gxg but its not like i choose to feel that way, i cant help but that way. I mean i dont say shits about them, its just that i cant get used to it the reas... Leigh

    “It’s not like I choose to feel that way

Leigh December 30, 2024 1:52 pm

I read this mahwa a long time ago and forgot the title. The male lead I think kinda looks like sungho from the painter of the night. It's in the Joseon era too. He's famous in their village because of his looks and a lot of girls flocks around him. When midnight comes (not sure) he turns into a gumiho and ate those girls that came to him.

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