I haven't read this in a while so hear me out for a bit—did he rape taesoo (I think that's his name) or are my eyes deceiving me...? during my first read, I skipped a lot of the sex without looking, so I missed that entire scene. But someone directed me to that one chapter and it quite literally did look like he was raping him so I am genuinely confused? I wanna reread this but as someone who's been raped before it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I need to know if there's something I'm not understanding so if someone can just tell me whether or not I am misunderstanding that scene it would be great.

I checked and the chap youre talking about is 78 (I think) and the way I took it was emotions were high and it was like angry/sad sex bc of everything they went through together, both of them werent really into it but they still weren't ready to let go of each other so that's why it's so aggressive but you should read it and make your own opinions about it even if it's just that chapter but I took it as less of the action but the emotions they were going through

At first I thought I missed something, but then I read the chapter where Chunwoo apologized for it, and Taesoo said:
"Which part? When I said no but you still climbed on top and sat on my dick? When you choked me so hard it left bruises? Or when you started dry heaving and went blank after sexually assaulting me?"
I already concluded that the uke was a rapist after seeing the first scene. Still, I doubted my conclusion because no one was talking about it or even slightly acknowledging it aside from like 3 people, but this pretty much told me all I needed to know.

I remember skimming and skipping a lot of chap 78 because it was just so hard to see Chunwoo and Taesoo like that. This just further proves that their relationship was never meant to progress that far and it's truly heartbreaking to see. It also really shows how circumstances can ruin a person, not to say what Chunwoo did was justifiable but we can see where the dots connect and this goes to Taesoo and Hoin too. I can only assume which side you are on and I stand with you.
Back to Chunwoo and Taesoo, them reverting to being friends is actually a miracle imo, for lack of a better word. It wouldn't have been surprising if they had nothing to do with each other after that but I guess they felt responsible for what they did so a need to see the other...be happier is understandable and that's probably what's holding the friendship together. Was it also mentioned that they're childhood friends or something? That probably also played a factor but I can't remember much since it's been so long.
I'm just glad Hoin got what he wanted and whatever Chunwoo and Taesoo had together is over. If Hoin ended up with someone else, all that struggle would have been for nothing. It never ends well when you try to start something with someone who have a tendency to collect baggage. We can still see remnants of that in the side stories...actually, forget remnants, we see CHUNKS. Chunwoo...oh dear Chunwoo.
If you remember which chap that apology was, please let me know. I can't remember how Chunwoo replied to what Taesoo said and I feel like I really need to see it again. I'm sorry for the rant. I got a little sidetracked but your comment prompted these thoughts and I'd love to hear what you think too!

Thank you, I reread chap 90. It wasn't just the apology, it was the end too. They tied it up nicely. I love the 5 minute thing. Hoin is being cherished :3
And about what you said before...it was sexual assault motivated by anger and resentment. It can be assumed it was done to oppress Taesoo because Chunwoo wanted to regain the level of control and power he lost whilst waiting for Taesoo. At the same time, it was what they usually did, they sleep together so it could be that Chunwoo wanted it for that rush of dopamine to ease whatever it is that he wanted to ease. Yes, it was very emotional like you said, which is usually the case for most sexual assault occurrences. Nothing changes the nature of what he did.
I'm not sure what you meant by "super broad perspective" but at least we can all now acknowledge that it was sexual assault, confirmed by both Taesoo and Chunwoo in chap 90. It's not uncommon to miss or forget details from long ago. Don't worry too much about it and just enjoy the story hehe
Guys notify me when the author decides to not waste Woojin's potential ദദ(=•ω•=)