CryBaby April 6, 2021 12:56 pm

the dude with brown hair couldt sleep because the dude with black hair had a partner who was abusive and "r@ped" him every night and thats how it all started and then both of them meet one day and after a few ch the brown haired dude saved the other guy ech and at the end or smth the one with black hair ran away but the one with brow hair found him and now they live toghter (this is just a short ver there is alot of other things that happend before that obvsly)

CryBaby March 12, 2021 3:49 pm

the baby do be dancing a little in there rn

CryBaby March 10, 2021 11:25 am

at this point idc if Haesoo is happy then that cool
i still think Jwoon is kinda toxic & Taku too
like dude i just want them all to be happy atp

CryBaby March 8, 2021 1:27 pm

does anyone know were i can read this on a legal site/app??

    Rui March 8, 2021 2:02 pm

    The link's on the front page and end card.

CryBaby March 5, 2021 1:32 pm

she pretty

CryBaby February 21, 2021 3:03 pm

yall do know he is getting raped????
i feel kinda bad for him

    AMDpian February 21, 2021 3:08 pm

    Same ;/

    pluckedapple February 21, 2021 3:08 pm

    same i know he's bad...but i am feeling bad for him

    Hamburgerthattweerks67 February 21, 2021 3:09 pm

    No, he doesn’t get raped, but he loses control of his car, losses a leg and his face it’s full of scars

    not a fujoshi February 21, 2021 3:09 pm


    Mother of Bl❤ February 21, 2021 3:23 pm

    He be putting the emapthy card down and me the oh im supposed to care card down

Yaoi.milk February 10, 2021 12:34 pm

He really said "Suprisee shawtyy"

    Vbcx777 February 10, 2021 12:35 pm

    I accidentally disliked sorry

Yaoi.milk February 10, 2021 11:49 am

But- but the food

Yaoi.milk February 5, 2021 11:43 am

O no o nononono

Yaoi.milk February 4, 2021 11:39 am

Mans really saw a dudes beat up face and said "this is the love of my life"

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