your fave side hoe asked a question

pondering whether yall recognise me when i post...?

your fave side hoe asked question about question

i have massive fucking anger issues and there is nothing more that annoys me than someone saying breathe. i was crashing the fuck out and i get told «wait wait wait brreeathe» SHUT UP its not helping at all and if i was to do it, i would wanna do it on my own accord not on someone else tryna be «helpful» when they're not. the best thing you ca......

your fave side hoe answered question about question
restricted accounts should get a warning before getting officially restricted and be told when it happens. i had no clue and it was tooorrture
your fave side hoe answered question about sexual orientation
personality wise they gotta be a feminist. if i have to tell you why women should have rights then you can fuck off. if you voted for trump idgaf get out. they need to be caring asf. if they can make u laugh and giggle they can make that ass jiggle okay for guys, their body type is lowkey important. im classic SORRY i like a tall guy, and a chubb......
your fave side hoe answered question about sexual orientation
its lowkey silly but im pansexual BUT i tell people im bi because they find it easier to understand cus there are days when i cannot be arsed with pots and pans jokes.
absolutely no clue probablyyy egg fried rice + gyozas diet coke or caramel coffee cherry mai tai or one of the passionfruit ones blue summer/autumn golden hour dufuck??? eevee??? salty dior poison girl f***t c**b every single song roblox icl or sims4 sunshine badass x only nice to them
your fave side hoe asked a question

dyall ever forget that not everyone studies or works in thw same field as u?? cus i study french so i sometimes sprinkle some frenglish in there and forget i have to translate it its so embarrassing istfg

your fave side hoe asked a question

okay why are there so many short pornhwas being released. its getting fucking boring the amount of weird dubcon shit is on the homepage here like thats meant to be POPULAR??? are people reading that???
genuinely tho vus like if ur whacking off to those 12 ep shites dillygaf but why cus its not even uncensored theres just massive lightsabers everywhere

your fave side hoe created a topic of BAITS

babe stop..! this isnt you.. smell me! i know you... Saranghae


your fave side hoe created a topic of Driver's High

i wanna see Leo's insta again PLEASE its so cute i love pda idgaf

your fave side hoe created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

lwk want more of a bulge with that huge ass lizard schlong

your fave side hoe asked a question

i hate liking an artist then finding out theyre dead like omg they should release a new album and then its "died in 2013" or some shit like oh!!!

your fave side hoe created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

okay for the sciencey side:
humans have used gene experiments such as the human genome experiment to find out the entire dna structure in humans.
this means they know which genes make what; in this story set in the future most babies are made through gene splicing or augmentation meaning the parents decided on the characteristics of their baby. this was originally only made so that the baby would not have genetic diseases but designer babies are possible however there are a feeew cons
such as: ethically, as demonstrated in the story (religous groups were against designer babies, calling them soulless)
bullying issues, if a baby is not designer then its a lower class
and financially it costs a lot to engineer the genes - though in the long run due to no genetic disorders, the human would not require costing treatments.

thank yu bye

lwk wanted lyle to stay at home and wait for ash to come banging at his door like i cant live without you i cant breeathe without you like come oooonnn gaga gagooooo aaah roma robma na

your fave side hoe asked a question

whats the most unique experience you think you've ever had

will the rock fall down at one point and they're gonna have to try and push it and one of the characters of children will get stuck under the rock maybe idk one must imagine sisyphus as a hot charred bulky man

need him on my dinner plate toNIGHT.

your fave side hoe asked a question

coming back to post on here feels like the ant meme with the bundle but coming over a western type sunset