fucking kiss lesbians
oh my god when he turned his face i genuinely cant deny the explosion that occured beyond my abdomen. that was so fucking CUTE. we need MORE. please pleZe pleaxe
i beg he just looks like a red flag i fucking BEG.
okay yeah lets freaking GOOOOO sexy asf
so excited for their goddamn wedding + i wanna see leos insta like pls a whole ep dedicated to leos instagram page full of him + jj
mama a proposal behind you
BOOMSHAKALAKA YES GOOODDDDDDDDDoh my lordy lord they better get to it
how do they believe he can fight when hes built like a twink
cannot get over his triangular torso
this fugly ho should be on the floor snot running eyes flowing screaming crying not abusing his authority and money gtfo
fucking kiss lesbians