for the novel readers, may contain spoilers:
Who do u guys ship Ian with, cause i'm getting some vibes that the crown prince has feelings for Ian, just saying. ¬‿¬
Tho i guess the crown prince will have a tough time cause Ian is a mommies boy. going out of his way to make portable phone to call his mother.
Also the tower lord, Ragnar and all others could never leash this arrogant boy drunk on being the strongest magic caster.

I kinda understand y she would be obsessed with money... Might not know it but money is our lifeline these days...tho her methods where not the best but can't blame her too much... if only she had a tad bit more emotion and reasoning and she would have looked completely normal and likable to me. Debts are always a bitch and life is hard without money after all. Proof everywhere
Y are ya'll so toxic...trash talking people that just support Jaewoo like everyone has different opinions no need for toxic comments
Ya'll sound so childish and immature like...grow up
i don't care who u support but don't go leaving rude comments about the person commenting
they both fucking suck anyways, Ohn needs to just distance himself from both
And if u have something toxic to say to me, then that proves your immaturity. Remember this is fiction and people behind the comments have emotions UNLIKE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS