He wants to ho*d h*nds sooo bad, oooh you shameless slut, you.
Anyway this was insanely adorable, soul cleansing and they're both autistic af (obv not an insult because I am basing this off of myself).
And god if only it was longer. The potential of their sexual awakening, them realizing they want to do more than just kiss, or even just their daily life after getting together.
This was really sweet. It deserved more.

A fun read. I do wish we got to see more of the FL fucking other guys tbh. I am sad that Odi died, I wished him and Yre could have, idk, gotten together and stuff or smth? Idk, if only Yre could have gotten someone for him too, he is so fucking cute

I agree that lovely Yre deserved to find his own happiness and someone who returned his feelings, but definitely not with the guy who raped him, seduced a woman for a mission and thought of her as greedy and annoying when it was him who seduced her in the first place. Odi was pretty, but he was scum

I love this so fucking much. The fluidity in the gender expression and the validation of this fluidity. God, Iadore this so fucking much.
This is so queer and can speak to anyone who is queer. Having different aspects of one's self can feel lonely when one aspect is rejected and forced into a closet -- so having someone open that closet and tell you "this is you and I love all of you" is so fucking. amazing.
God this is such a validating story. It can obv be read as a trans story or a gender non conforming story etc. but it was just validating. I love this. I love how the author conveyed their idea.
This feels hella cute tbh. They're all really bratty though, the vibe felt more like they were highschoolers than adults!