Who gonna upload over them for the team

did you see that through raws? bc the uploader is uploading these chapters from lezhin, they're not translating it they're just uploading it and the one that IS translating it on lezhin is the one that has went on hiatus hence why there are two sets of notices, one from the translator from lezhin and one from the uploader uploading here

The uploader DID NOT go on hiatus. How are they suppose to upload a chapter that is not out? Do you want them to upload the korean chapter? The chapters come from Lezhin EN and the official english translation is on hiatus. If the korean version had an hiatus (which is what happened), the english version will get one too.
The uploader is NOT slow. Love Shuttle updates on Lezhin EN on the 5/15/25 of every month. It only updates 3 times a month. The uploader usually gets it uploaded the within 24-28 hours of it's release and you can easily see that if you look at the upload dates next to each chapter. And if people think it's so slow to wait a a day or two for something they are reading for free go buy the chapters on Lezhin to read.
As for there being 3 chapters out that is because this is a korean webtoon, and it makes sense the korean version comes out before the english version. The english version has always been 4 chapter behind the korean version since this series started. And thats the same for other titles too, most are behind a certain number of chapters. And also the official english translation has always been the one uploaded here.

The missing parts will be added as a revision early 2020, so by then it won’t be as confusing and it’ll be mostly accurate to the novel. But if it’s still confusing for some and you don’t want to wait till then... I reccomend reading the novel :3 ch 1-20 on sakhyulations and the rest on yummysuikas Twitter pinned (ch 20-25).
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