❤Valentine Vampire❤ did ( All 1 )

ending friendships

❤Valentine Vampire❤'s experience ( All 0 )

❤Valentine Vampire❤'s answer ( All 22 )

about question
Didn’t that site shut down? I heard it shutdown so I’m confused   1 reply
1 days
about question
First of all, I’m really sorry for what happened to your cat, I have lost a dog years ago so I know how it feels to lose an animal that you love and care about but please don’t kill yourself, I understand the pain in losing an animal but killing yourself isn’t going to make anything better. I have went through depression like you and almost d......   reply
1 days
about question
The only food I seem to be allergic to are mangos, can't eat the fruit or drink without having a cough attack. I have never heard of someone being allergic to alcohol, yes I think you need to go to the hospital because that sounds awful   reply
1 days
about question
Seme who rapes the uke and don't stop even when they say no, many times Seme is a piece of shit and did awful things to the uke but ends up with him anyway Female characters written as bitches, wants the seme to themselves and is awful to the uke Seme calls uke wife instead of husband if they're married Seme blackmails uke Uke looking l......   reply
2 days
about question
First of all, you are a disgusting and terrible person for joking that your friend should kys. People shouldn't joke about something like that, it's a fucked up and evil thing to do. Suicide is serious and not something to joke about, as someone who almost did this to myself. I can't stand people like you who think jokes like these are funny   reply
3 days

❤Valentine Vampire❤'s question ( All 0 )