There is a reason I hate that ex of Minsuk's. He's obviously an abuser. The relatinoship they had was always unstable and favoring the other guy. He's manipulative, controlling, possessive. And now he is asking Minsuk out of the blue to marry him when they are not even back together cause he motherfreakin' dumped him. He has to have a reason behind that. It's just too suspicious. Thing is, that behavior is not fair to Minsuk (who clearly still cares about him cause he loves, or once loved, him) and I really dislike that guy.

Yeah. It's a toxic relationship. Moving abroad is not gonna make their problems disappear, it could even make it worse... and this guy's a total dick for thinking that it'll be the solution to all their problems when what he should be doing to fix them instead is... I dunno... trying *not" to be a dick? ( ̄へ ̄)

If there is something in any way close to how fantastic this manwha is, it's the fandom. When I finish a chapter, instead of getting sad about it I read the comments and I laugh my ass off. You guys are the best.
Bexan will bite him and Minsuk will get angry with him about it, and feel sorry for his sorry excuse of exboyfriend. I really wish it doesn't turn out as I'm thinking it will :(
Such heavy content. I sensed something was off from the very start with those two (I mean, Junwoo of course, but also the other guy), I'm glad I didn't give it up. I also really like how it doesn't end with a "happily ever after", but a more realistic "we'll see what the future holds". Loved it. x