BeepBopp asked a question

Which BL was it that when the MC(or maybe it was the ML) was a child, his aunt was taking care of him for a while and one day she left leaving a note with her phone number but when he tried calling it called someone random.

Then back to present at one point the aunt is back and she says she was disappointed he never called her.

BeepBopp asked a question

So theres a BL. I was sure the name was 'Be my beta' but turns out its not that.

Im pretty sure its over 20 chapters and i think they do end up with a baby.

Thanks in advance!

BeepBopp asked a question

BL story where MC is often bullying another student at school but apparently it was only to get attention from the friend of that student (who is the ML). It is kind of a childish bullying and the student receiving it doesnt really care about it

BeepBopp created a topic of Brother In Law

I just can't understand how the person writing this story decided "and then the sister reacted this way". Just HOW can anybody do this ? Japanese really are on another planet when making up BL stories lmao.

I wonder, is it drugs ? lack of sleep ? Or they just dont care about the plot because they know adding drama/sex will attracg readers so they throw common sense out the window lmao.

BeepBopp created a topic of Brother In Law

Did she propose the day she met him ?

BeepBopp created a topic of Shutline

There is a anime version or maybe short cinematic. Can anyone tell me how to find it?

BeepBopp created a topic of The Duke's Debt

The uke feels confident he can fight back even though a single wizard already beat him and his army and since then he is even weaker because he is feeding his energy to that wizard....

Also his parents had beef with the wizard, master of the wizard guild, and that wizard's assistant killed his parents and yet he still think this is safe.... Even though the one in charge of the wizard is the enemy

BeepBopp created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Its good that everything turned out well BUT when Caesar shot Lee Won, he could have killed him....and then the non stop preventing a recovery AND THEN HE LEFT KNOWING THAT LEE WON WOULD BE ATTACKED BY HIS PEOPLE.

And all this was part of Caesar's plan, it makes no sense at all.... Authors really need to stop screw up their story just to add drama and/or sex.

BeepBopp created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

If this continues and the old man ever tries to have some ties with them, then it would be very disappointing.

The reason why the antagonist did everything he did was because the old man would get rid of Jae In because there is no way he would ever accept someone of Jae in's status into his bloodline. Thats the same reason he ignored the existence of his own son (Taeyoon). In some way, he is probably worst than the antagonist. So it would be kind of dumb if the reason behind all the drama does a 180° and accepts Jae in, Taeyoon or the baby...

BeepBopp created a topic of PASSION

Calling that character "lovely" is much less delusional than falling in love with Ilay. So i'm not sure what:s the big deal here.

BeepBopp created a topic of My Suha

Didnt he go out to meet Jiwoon at the office ? And then he came back home without going to the office ? what even is going on

BeepBopp created a topic of My Suha

He just likes to be useful to Suha. It is weird that this is what came to his mind but i dont think he meant this as a kink....

BeepBopp created a topic of Define The Relationship

I just started and im confusdd about a bunch of stuff.

1. MC said the alphas in his family have to spend their rut with a differnt omega each time. But why ? If its to avoid falling in love, then they should be forbidden to sleep with same omega twice, not just during rut. And MC said he has an omega that he spend his rut with once a year.... Isnt that againet the rule???

2. And then MC mentions that they have to take suppressant if they dont want to follow the rule ??? Did he mean it like if you have a partner that hasmt been approve by the family, you can take the suppressant so you dont have to cheat on them and avoid breaking the rule???

3. Then during the meeting with the doctor, right after he proposed MC to get laid with another alpha, he says someone at the door might help him. And then it says "Kyle and Nicolas". And then we skip to MC and Ash as if they were introduced to each other already??? And apparently MC had a bad first impression because Nicolas was with Ash instead of Kyle ???

4. Also MC says their family keeps the bloodline pure but apparently he is a half blood or whatever... So then his mom didnt follow the rules... Right ?

Idc if it includes spoiler, please explain me because im so confused i feel like i missed a lot of context

BeepBopp created a topic of PASSION

From the begining of the story up to this point... MC is just being brainless...

And it,'s very pitiful that he has had feelings for Ilay the whole time. Dude even started as a top but got turner to bottom by a psychopath that threatened his life....

I hope there willbe a side.... This story really needs one

BeepBopp created a topic of My Suha

Ok so the author is trying to make it look like the grandma is finally realizing she was wrong and all....

But in reality, has she changed that much ? Ok she gave Jiwoon that recognition he deserves, BUT ONLY AFTER DoHyeok caused a shit ton of problems. Seems to me that now she sees Do Hyeok as the "defect" and now all of a sudden she feels apologetic about Jiwoon ? ...

Also i'm still not over the fact Jiwoon's parents abandonnef him.... And NEVER EVER came to see him. That is just disgusting. The siblings did nothing wrong though.

Oh and also, about that time Do Hyeok tried to kidnap Suha and got caught by the police.... HOW COME the president never found out?? Obviously she most have been the one to make sure the incident didnt get mediatized ... Am i missing something ?

BeepBopp created a topic of Reunion

Ok i did read up to like chapter 17 and i really need to know...

1. Is MC gonna get paid ? Or did he get nothing ? (Why the fuck did he even agree to risk it all for a chance to get triple....he himself said this puts his mother on the line)

2. What does the ML's father gets out of fooling the grandpa?

How many times now? The MC has been getting drugged / kidnapped / attacked / passed out / got sick so many times... Just so He Yang can look good ...

BeepBopp created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Uh..... What the fuck happened ? They had a big fight and SO MANY THINGS should have been brought up. But they skipped all that... And BAM kissing and back like nothing happened....

What about Cirrus's anxiety about Chan iL ?
What about Skylar who was avoiding Chan il for Cirrus?
What about Skylar saying he liked Chan il ? (It seemed to be to hurt Cirrus but cant they atleast adress it ???)

Feels like we skipped like 3 chapter (IF NOT A WHOLE DAM ARC).... Also why would Chan il let Skylar go to the nurse with Cirrus ??? Shouldnt he go with Skylar considering Cirrus had just attacked Skylar???

The story is so good but this part..... Unbelievable

"i dont kiss, i cover you eyes when intimate, my friends talk shit about you all day, i ignore you all the time, everybody says you are a replacement and i dont say otherwise, i dont give a shit when my friends physically hurt you and when you complain i remind you that i never said i would love you to begon with. Oh but iTs jUsT a mIsUnDeRstAndIng, i loved you all this time."

Literally, ML had 0 feelings towards MC until he believed MC was dead, that's the real plot.

BeepBopp asked a question

Whats the name of the manga where each island choose a warrior to fight in a tournament. They wear super funny armor and have to make the opponent cum to win the fight. They fight 1v1 and the last winner becomes the king.

When story start, the MC is a choosen warrior and he just came back from abroad and even brought his modern world boyfriend to this madness xD