BeepBopp April 7, 2024 5:09 pm

"i dont kiss, i cover you eyes when intimate, my friends talk shit about you all day, i ignore you all the time, everybody says you are a replacement and i dont say otherwise, i dont give a shit when my friends physically hurt you and when you complain i remind you that i never said i would love you to begon with. Oh but iTs jUsT a mIsUnDeRstAndIng, i loved you all this time."

Literally, ML had 0 feelings towards MC until he believed MC was dead, that's the real plot.

BeepBopp February 7, 2024 5:27 pm

Well technically, it could be his ? Or was it confirmed it's Taeyoon ? I did assume it was Taeyoon's because he was the one to help stabilize Jae in during pregnancy but maybe it didnt have to he the father.

    akarigalaxy- February 7, 2024 5:31 pm

    I found ur comment funny , like did we read the same manhwa lol , cus it's cut ND clear :3

    BeepBopp February 7, 2024 7:27 pm
    I found ur comment funny , like did we read the same manhwa lol , cus it's cut ND clear :3 akarigalaxy-

    Idk whats funny. Jae in did get raped before the pregnancy.

    I do expect it to be Taeyoon's but i dont rememher anything proving it would be his for sure

    Rush February 7, 2024 8:00 pm
    Idk whats funny. Jae in did get raped before the pregnancy.I do expect it to be Taeyoon's but i dont rememher anything proving it would be his for sure BeepBopp

    It is fs bc general omegaverse rules state that if heat and knotting don’t occur then pregnancy can’t either. That only happened with Taeyoon. Also bc the baby likes his pheromones

    BeepBopp February 7, 2024 9:41 pm
    It is fs bc general omegaverse rules state that if heat and knotting don’t occur then pregnancy can’t either. That only happened with Taeyoon. Also bc the baby likes his pheromones Rush

    In general omegaverse, knotting isn't needed, it only increase the rate. And idk if the heat is needed but Jea in had been injected with a drug that put him in a heat state.

    And about the baby disliking his pheromones, i do agree that seems to point he isn't the father, but it's not a proof at all. It could be random or the baby acting this way because of Jae in.

    Anyway, I said he technically could be the father, not that it was likely to be the case. But he probably called the baby "his" because that's the way he thinks he can get closer to Jae in.

    akarigalaxy- February 7, 2024 11:57 pm
    In general omegaverse, knotting isn't needed, it only increase the rate. And idk if the heat is needed but Jea in had been injected with a drug that put him in a heat state. And about the baby disliking his phe... BeepBopp

    Ur Doubting Too much
    And I don't know why , Even though as I said, it's clear. Maybe u need to do read more about AOB CUS U CLEARLY LACK THE INFO . ND good luck on ur Journey or learning:3

    Icy_Reality February 8, 2024 12:18 am

    Damn don't add more delusions to Choi the doctor tracked the weeks he became pregnant and it aligned at the date they did it when he was in heat plus Taeyoon is the more dominant one, you'd assume it's his seed that won XDD plus Choi knows he isn't when he asked the doc what happens if the alpha is separated to the pregnant omega, he's just coping

BeepBopp December 10, 2023 3:32 am

So.... Did the friend kiss the uke or not? What was the favor if not the kiss?

And why does the uke keep hanging out with someone that is openly after him...

BeepBopp December 4, 2023 2:16 pm

"i clearly pushed him away for so many times" bitch it took him like one day to convince you to become his sugar baby RIGHT AFTER he made use of your body while you were drugged. This MC doesnt seem to remember his own story

BeepBopp December 4, 2023 2:09 pm

Ok so MC gets raped then falls in love (usual bs whatever) but what about Ilay killing people and literally no one even caring a tiny bit? Maurier just mentionned that he killed a few of his assistants without any reasons since Tay left..... Like bruh

Also this "i hate him....but i might love gim.....i never want to see him again.....but i miss him...." And so on is just annoying.... .

    Bbb December 6, 2023 2:05 pm

    illy is pretty privalige all his dirty work is handled by his brother company and t and r secret agency , he also get away with things simply being a assistant commissioner they are also related to top world elite so its piece of cake for him second tae will be with illy because he has no choice, unlike other uke who get crazy with sex enjoy sex he will never enjoy it and can't run from him so he simply decided to live in luxury and comfort that illy will provide if he do not fo that xinlu will take him or killed by xinlu family its death or life situation for him he also become terrorist, framed by someone so he has to stay with illy to get protected, later on illy change 360 tae become more comfy with him wait few more chapter

    BeepBopp December 6, 2023 10:57 pm
    illy is pretty privalige all his dirty work is handled by his brother company and t and r secret agency , he also get away with things simply being a assistant commissioner they are also related to top world el... Bbb

    Oh yea i do understand how Ilay gets away with what he does. What bothered me is the fact that no one cares (like Tay or his uncle who is friend with Ilay...)

    yuna December 6, 2023 11:15 pm
    Oh yea i do understand how Ilay gets away with what he does. What bothered me is the fact that no one cares (like Tay or his uncle who is friend with Ilay...) BeepBopp

    They're in the military so they are probably thinking different and have different morals...but in the novel Tae does care and finds it wrong

    BeepBopp December 7, 2023 1:10 am
    They're in the military so they are probably thinking different and have different morals...but in the novel Tae does care and finds it wrong yuna

    Yea and that's a setting that would justify not having to dwell over "death" in general. But to casually say Ilay killed coworkers without any reasons, and then its swept under the rug is just stupid.

    If the author didnt want to lose time about this, then it should have been changed to Ilay hurting them.

    MC falling in love with Ilay is already big time nonsense considering everything that has happened so far, and now we dont even care at all about murders ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)

    Ur welcome December 12, 2023 3:29 am
    Yea and that's a setting that would justify not having to dwell over "death" in general. But to casually say Ilay killed coworkers without any reasons, and then its swept under the rug is just stupid. If the au... BeepBopp

    I don’t get how some people like illay and tae together, like their relationship is toxic and the novel spoilers ain’t great about them.
    Plus all the side couples are gonna be toxic too.

    Bbb December 12, 2023 6:21 am
    I don’t get how some people like illay and tae together, like their relationship is toxic and the novel spoilers ain’t great about them.Plus all the side couples are gonna be toxic too. Ur welcome

    I think people just watch it for their guilty pleasure like we here commenting on it and watching and reading as well i think there are many light hearted green flag couple as well so read them .

    Bbb December 12, 2023 6:31 am
    Yea and that's a setting that would justify not having to dwell over "death" in general. But to casually say Ilay killed coworkers without any reasons, and then its swept under the rug is just stupid. If the au... BeepBopp

    If thats you thing is stupid there are worse things ro come terrorism, kidnaping, repeated unconsensual sex and more worse than this if you thing is illy is worse there is another character will come which is Richard worse than illy you better stop reading it here for yout own mental health and read pearl boy

    Ur welcome December 12, 2023 11:05 am
    I think people just watch it for their guilty pleasure like we here commenting on it and watching and reading as well i think there are many light hearted green flag couple as well so read them . Bbb

    Huh? Someone to,d me that all the side couples are based off rape and there’s a incest couple, i believe with illay’s brother.

    Ur welcome December 12, 2023 11:12 am
    If thats you thing is stupid there are worse things ro come terrorism, kidnaping, repeated unconsensual sex and more worse than this if you thing is illy is worse there is another character will come which is ... Bbb

    They’re both worse, I’m reading this story for the plot not the main couples or any of the couples.
    I like toxic ML too but it depends how “toxic” they are. Illay is different than other ML’s in bl bc he’s a psychopath and he feels no remorse in the things he’s done nor tried to, those are the type of toxic ML that aren’t enjoyable in BL(with the exception of the beast must die ML. The author DEFINITELY didn’t fetishize psychopathy) Taeui also follows the dumb mc troupe.
    Anyways, im not gonna force people to hate the main couple, but it’s far fetched to call them positive or “less” worse than other characters.

    Bbb December 13, 2023 4:27 am
    Huh? Someone to,d me that all the side couples are based off rape and there’s a incest couple, i believe with illay’s brother. Ur welcome

    Yeah thats richard and Christopher they are distant cousin and richard is like equal to the villian in pearl boy he normally invovles in sex orgies too

    Ur welcome December 13, 2023 11:12 am
    Yeah thats richard and Christopher they are distant cousin and richard is like equal to the villian in pearl boy he normally invovles in sex orgies too Bbb

    Yeah novel readers was telling me about them

BeepBopp November 16, 2023 11:06 pm

Oh ok i see what',s going on now... Since the seme treated the uke like the lowest of all from start to end, now the only way to redeem him is to make the uke a damsel in distress every 10 @chapters so the seme can prove his love........ Literally every 10 chapters (he invested in the drama making the uke a popular actor, he funded the treatments for the grandmothers, saved uke when he was drugged(and then raped drugged uke instead of nursing him but it's not rape because it's part of his redemption arc. Right?)@, then uke passed out during photo shoot, then he yang took the blame for this rumour and soon he will probably save the uke from this kidnapper)

    MirrorImage November 19, 2023 11:36 pm

    You couldn't have summed it up better. I know they'll end up together but his turnaround ain't convincing at all. Like, you literally treated him like he was a substitute and pretended to date him, made him dress up like a doll, and now suddenly you have no interest in the person you were supposedly in love with and his death made you fall in love? What? This manhwa is gaslighting me

    Teeth November 20, 2023 5:59 am

    ughhhg yes. it's so annoying when they deliberately nerf the main character just to justify the abusive ML getting back into their life. instead of, y'know, actually letting the MC have stability while making a decent character arc for ML where he actually realizes being obsessed with one person and treating the rest like shit is the cause of all this mess in the first place?

    he's literally just as selfish and violent as he was before, still has tunnel vision, the only difference is the one he has the hots for is a different person.

BeepBopp November 14, 2023 1:27 pm

The Owen said had he surprise....and Nux said "if its alive or low value, change it"... Bruuuuuh

    Lucy November 14, 2023 6:04 pm

    I hope Owen won't run away and won't be too saddened by this, but you know how emotions are during pregnancy, aahhh he needs al the love, affection and support he could get...I'm so sad for him TwT

    BeepBopp November 15, 2023 2:18 am
    I hope Owen won't run away and won't be too saddened by this, but you know how emotions are during pregnancy, aahhh he needs al the love, affection and support he could get...I'm so sad for him TwT Lucy

    Yea i like that the author made him moody / anxious / sleepy (witolhout overdo8ng it). This pregnancy is really my favorite in the way it was shown

    BeepBopp November 15, 2023 2:18 am
    Yea i like that the author made him moody / anxious / sleepy (witolhout overdo8ng it). This pregnancy is really my favorite in the way it was shown BeepBopp

    In the way it was introduced**

    Lucy November 15, 2023 2:32 am
    Yea i like that the author made him moody / anxious / sleepy (witolhout overdo8ng it). This pregnancy is really my favorite in the way it was shown BeepBopp

    True, it's also very subtle, we can see his anxiety, Nux noticing some signs yet still not getting the full picture, even saying and doing stuff that would harm any pregnant person and we can see it in the art style as well, it's so well made srsly!

BeepBopp November 12, 2023 8:56 pm

Are there some cliff hangers at the end of season 1? Any loose ends?

    hatdiggitydog November 13, 2023 9:00 pm

    yeah i guess it kinda does? like nothing major but there are things that leave you curious

BeepBopp November 7, 2023 2:03 am

I can't remember, was it ever mentionned what the teacher did or tried to do to Cirrus?

    Liz November 7, 2023 5:18 am

    It wasn't directly stated in the story, but my guess is that the teacher tried to molest/take advantage of him.

    Nobody November 7, 2023 5:05 pm

    The teacher tried to molest/sexually harass Cirrus. Fortunately Cirrus got away and after that “incident” avoided the teacher as if he were a plague.

BeepBopp November 5, 2023 4:43 am

The omega father is just so thrash for not even suggesting to take both brothers to his home... Like i understand the big brother isnt his son but the only reason big brother cant give a home to the lil one and the only reason omega dad is able to give a better home is because ALL THOSE YEARS the big bro had to take care of the lil one. NOT TO MENTION, the debt is their dad's, so technically its also little bro's debt. Therefore omega dad would normally be the one having to pay too since he's the guardian of the little bro.

It was so shitty the way he acted i was sure he had been paid to kidnal the little one... (Pretty obvious i was wrong though)

    Chimmygirl November 5, 2023 9:14 pm

    Who says he can afford both of them? I think he's just recently gotten stable after through tons of shitty exes in his life. Euihyun is an adult. Why should he have to put up with him when he's not even related to him? Also Euiyoung is still a minor and his Omega dad was not married to their Alpha dad so, the debt is still only in Euihyun's name.

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 2:43 am

    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.

    2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement than MC is because MC took care of the little brother all this time.

    3. Technically the debt falls onto BOTH of the brothers. And so since the omega is the legal guardian of one of em, it seems pretty logical the omega would normally be targeted by the debt collector.

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 2:43 am
    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement th... BeepBopp

    To let MC live with them***

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 2:48 am
    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement th... BeepBopp

    for my "2." So what i mean is he OWE the MC for taking care of HIS son all this time, and it's not that much to just let him live with him (he could literally sleep on the floor with a blanket, its really not that hard. And MC is an omega too (if he was an alpha it could be complicated.)

    Chimmygirl November 6, 2023 6:26 am
    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement th... BeepBopp

    The debt only goes to Euiyoung when Euihyun kicks the bucket as in the line of succesion the closest adult legal heir is the one who pays the debt.

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 6:54 pm
    The debt only goes to Euiyoung when Euihyun kicks the bucket as in the line of succesion the closest adult legal heir is the one who pays the debt. Chimmygirl

    And from where do you get that info? This is a debt from the mafia (or the likes of it), not the bank. They are a criminal group...they dont follow the law

    Chimmygirl November 6, 2023 8:10 pm
    And from where do you get that info? This is a debt from the mafia (or the likes of it), not the bank. They are a criminal group...they dont follow the law BeepBopp

    They're predatory loan companies who do shady business. They still have documentation and paperwork to do and contractual liabilities to meet.

    BeepBopp November 7, 2023 1:46 am
    They're predatory loan companies who do shady business. They still have documentation and paperwork to do and contractual liabilities to meet. Chimmygirl

    So in those countries, it is the law that gives the right to these companies to terrorize the relatives of those who havent paid their debt? But only if the relative is major?

    Dang and here i thought it was all illegal xD! These places are scary!

    Chimmygirl November 7, 2023 2:47 pm
    So in those countries, it is the law that gives the right to these companies to terrorize the relatives of those who havent paid their debt? But only if the relative is major?Dang and here i thought it was all ... BeepBopp

    They can't terrorize anyone but those activities fall under the radar. On paper the companies are a front for clean activities. The contractual terms are unjust but they can't sue as they entered into them of their own accord.

    BeepBopp November 8, 2023 1:41 am
    They can't terrorize anyone but those activities fall under the radar. On paper the companies are a front for clean activities. The contractual terms are unjust but they can't sue as they entered into them of t... Chimmygirl

    Ok so the law says that when X person is in debt, the adults children of X are now legally responible for the debt as well.

    So the mafia and the likes uses this part of the law to go after the children of those who dont pay their debt.

    Did i get that right?

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