BeepBopp March 19, 2025 12:09 am

Dam this comment section is horny asf

BeepBopp March 8, 2025 10:47 pm

What even is the author trying to portray here ? The boss left Yeok at the karaoke, to then call Dajeong to use Dajeon as substitute for Yeok....

Seems like the author doesnt understand whats happening either...

Also, what did the boss mean when he said it would be better if Dajeon and Yeok switched place ?
Does he want Dajeon with Yeok's body ? I doubt it because physical attraction isnt the issue here.

Or did he want Yeok to like him just like Dajeong does ? But how would that matter since the issue here is that he has a "weird" feeling when he make Dajeong cry.

Once again what is the author even trying to portray here ? Does she even have a clear idea of her own storyline or does she not even care anymore.

BeepBopp March 8, 2025 4:25 pm

Theres is still redemption for this story, if the bottom gives up and find someone else (just kidding, it never happens)

BeepBopp March 2, 2025 5:25 am

What i dont understand is, these people are supposed to be Ash's close friends. And he has broken up with Hazel years ago by now (did he not?). So why do they keep bringing up the topic as if its news to them ?

    nerdandgeek March 2, 2025 6:57 am

    It's what surprised me, like what the hell l, ge is in a new relationship it has been years, and even if Haz want to get back together with him it's human decency and respect not to do what they are doing.

    BeepBopp March 2, 2025 8:07 am
    It's what surprised me, like what the hell l, ge is in a new relationship it has been years, and even if Haz want to get back together with him it's human decency and respect not to do what they are doing. nerdandgeek

    Yea the first one at the table was 100% out of line. And even after he was told that Ash didnt go to NY to meet Hazel, he was still questionning as if he was rooting for Ash for get back with Hazel.

    Which once again, very direspectful , but also like wtf why are you bringing that up?

    The scene just now, they werent talking to Ash or Karlyle so it wasnt rude in anyway. But like even them seems to be rooting for Ash to go back to Hazel considering they gave Ash's number and they "feel bad for lyle". Which once again, wtf ? Why is it such an hot topic after years and why are they acting so supportive of Hazel.

    They lpok more like Hazel friends than Ash"s

    nerdandgeek March 2, 2025 10:11 am
    Yea the first one at the table was 100% out of line. And even after he was told that Ash didnt go to NY to meet Hazel, he was still questionning as if he was rooting for Ash for get back with Hazel.Which once a... BeepBopp

    It feels like something is left out because the loyalty is hardcore here, when otherwise it would not even matter.

    Sorry, I saw all the grammar mistakes and the missing words, so I didn't explain myself right. I think that if you know someone is in a relationship, it's disrespectful to give his or her phone number to the ex, especially without his or her permission.

    It's weird because even their common sense goes out the window because of this Hazel guy. Maybe something was left from the book to the manga adaptation. I read ahead, so I know what he did, but that just makes me wonder more. TF?!

    BeepBopp March 2, 2025 10:10 pm
    It feels like something is left out because the loyalty is hardcore here, when otherwise it would not even matter. Sorry, I saw all the grammar mistakes and the missing words, so I didn't explain myself right. ... nerdandgeek

    Yea a lot of details seems to not have been adapted in the manwha. Like how Karlyle said he had a bad first impression of Ash (apparently Ash was aiming for Karlyle's brother's boyfriend and Karlyle noticed it). They do mention in the manwha that their first impression wasnt good but we got 0 context at all. The first chapters of the manwha were confusing for me because it felt like there were missing chapters.

    But also, the novel might not explain the friends behavior. It's just classic BL drama. People do things out of nowhere to set up the drama.

BeepBopp February 20, 2025 3:59 pm

So i read the comment and apparently the MC is SA'd by a "Brandon".

Anyome can give me the details of the situations ? Was MC drugged ? How did he end up in that situation ? Did it happen many times or one extended time ? And did they get revenge on Bramdon ?

    Diluc is a bottom February 20, 2025 5:26 pm

    From what i remember it was a mix of him being a drug addict (so not really in a sane state of mind bcs the drugs they used is a strong one) and Brandon using his position and power to have "sex" with him. He was initially just a subordinate fighting other gangsters till the old man got sexualy interested(obsessed) in him because he was strong and attractive. I don't remember exactly if some of it was actually done (before Mathew even got involved with him) with consent but there was a clear power imbalance so it's not too far from being considered SA

    Revenge not really, at least not in a satisfactory way but I guess he ended in prison(?) or something happened to his business like a scandal of the trafficking of hard drugs.

    Sorry i can't remember clearly the plot since a lot of time passed from the start to end, but It's more hinted that they had a ""relationship"" that jin is not really that fond of.

    If you are considering to read it or not it depends on what you consider to be too much for you. All the sex scenes are mainly between the main pair and yes there are some that can be considered questionable even between them. There are some scenes with attempted sa on both jin and Mathew and there is an usage of drugs by the characters (main and background)

    If somebody else have something to correct because I'm going with my memory rn

BeepBopp February 11, 2025 6:23 am

So for those who have read the novel, so the point of all this, is it really just for entertainment ? Or is there more to it ?

Also i saw someone saying that Raymond escaped but got raped.multiple times again by other random people...was that the work of them or it just randomly happened?

Also around how many chapters do you think we will need for this manwha to end ?

    nobody February 12, 2025 3:38 pm


    he escaped and a few years later they found him again and got his coworkers to rape him it went on for weeks?? i think.i don’t remember. they gangrape him then left him in the cabin then when they feel like fucking they came back again. he sort of becomes numb to it and just let it happen.
    seeing how theres like 13 volumes i think on ridibooks along with side story probably 100 and more but the manhwa is a little fast paced so maybe it would be less than people thought.

    as someone who read the novel even though i didn’t finished it yet. most part of the rape are very unnecessary but i guess the author wants to make his revenge felt satisfying enough (though its probably part of their rape fantasy too)

BeepBopp January 27, 2025 11:27 pm

"I have been desperate for him to come to me"
-a few panels later-
*calls him by another guy's name*

I feel like i would enjoy rhe story more if the boss actually had no interest in Dajeong and LATER would develop feelings. (And a big chasing arc would help, the way of kiss me liar)

    Erishia January 27, 2025 11:37 pm

    Kiss me liar's redemption and chasing arc isn't satisfying at all I need the ML to suffer more but yeah, I kinda agree! He better have a redemption arc than nothing.

    BeepBopp January 28, 2025 5:50 am
    Kiss me liar's redemption and chasing arc isn't satisfying at all I need the ML to suffer more but yeah, I kinda agree! He better have a redemption arc than nothing. Erishia

    Keith went crazy when Yeonwoo ran away to the point his company was about to go bankrupt.

    He also spent a bunch of weeks without releasing his pheromones through sex (which is toxic for him).

    And to be fair, he had always been treating Yeonwoo as someone special and gave 0 fuck about everyone else.

    So i feel like his chasing arc was good for what he did. And most of all, the story was good because Yeonwoo didnt let Keith walk all over him.

BeepBopp January 27, 2025 1:30 am

For novel readers, what about Dein Strycker (the red head firefighter that helped the MC in the kiss me liar story. Are we ever getting his story ?)

And emma/josh were blonde in the other story but are brown hair here, anyone know why it was changed ?

Even Miller, we saw him a few times in the previous story and he wasnt a crazy person out of control like he is here. He was very laid back. But here he is completely out of it

    Tôru January 27, 2025 1:43 am

    - The author planned a story for Grayson and Dane ( which has been known for years), but it hasn't been written, yet.
    - Different artist. The hair looks more like darkblonde than brown to me. They have blonde hair, but the Millers blonde hair kind of stands out.
    - You are confusing Chase Miller with Grayson Miller.

    BeepBopp January 27, 2025 1:47 am
    - The author planned a story for Grayson and Dane ( which has been known for years), but it hasn't been written, yet. - Different artist. The hair looks more like darkblonde than brown to me. They have blonde h... Tôru

    OMG thank you so much for tellings me about the millers.

    And about Dane and Grayson, did you mean a story of them together (alpha x alpha) or each of them having a story of their own ?

    Fufufanatic January 27, 2025 1:55 am
    OMG thank you so much for tellings me about the millers.And about Dane and Grayson, did you mean a story of them together (alpha x alpha) or each of them having a story of their own ? BeepBopp

    Dane is an omega

    Tôru January 27, 2025 1:59 am
    OMG thank you so much for tellings me about the millers.And about Dane and Grayson, did you mean a story of them together (alpha x alpha) or each of them having a story of their own ? BeepBopp

    You need to know, that the author ist writing novel series about the Millers and the Pittmans. For the Millers every male seems to get their own novel. So far there is one for the grandfather (Dominic), the father (Ashley) and Chase. Nathaniel the oldest son, you saw a pic of him in chapter 5, his novel was actually scheduled for release last Year, but got delayed.
    So it is Grayson x Dane , but Dane (which is actually known, but since some are sensitive for spoilers at the moment, so i write it further below)
    Dane is actually an extreme omega.

    BeepBopp January 27, 2025 2:39 am
    You need to know, that the author ist writing novel series about the Millers and the Pittmans. For the Millers every male seems to get their own novel. So far there is one for the grandfather (Dominic), the fat... Tôru

    Omg i love this, it also explain why Dane wasnt affected when Yeonwoo was in heat.
    But how come Keith (and Yeonwoo for that matter) didnt seem to know about it? Isnt it supposed to be very obvious that he is an omega if he is an extreme one since he would have a ton of pheromes?

    And even though an omega, was Dane a top? Because that seemed to be implied in the kiss me liar story.

    Tôru January 27, 2025 8:34 am
    Omg i love this, it also explain why Dane wasnt affected when Yeonwoo was in heat.But how come Keith (and Yeonwoo for that matter) didnt seem to know about it? Isnt it supposed to be very obvious that he is an ... BeepBopp

    I think the extreme ones have more controle over their pheromones, can easier pretend to be a beta ( i forgot they also have gammas in the story, could they pretend to be gammas, too? hmmm). Also Dane has very good suppressants.
    And Keith, someone like Dane would have beeb a nightmare for him.XD Keith only
    has sex with women aside from Yeonwoo, you really think he would go after someone who has the same bodybuild as him? I really would like to see his face, when he finds out that he is an omega.:D Because I think that he knows in the sidestories, he was pretty calm ( for someone like Keith^^) when saw in the news that Yeonwoo and Dane went shopping.
    Omegas can top, Josh most likely topped since he only datet women before (there are female alphas, but i don't think he was topped by a woman). But they can't impregnate others. At least Dane has to be careful with beta, because iirc the extreme omegas can turn betas , like extreme alphas can.

    Tôru January 27, 2025 9:35 pm

    Looks like we're finally getting that novel. It was strange that the novel of Nathaniel Miller was canceled last summer and delayed indefinately. Today someone postet a link here, where the novel of Grayson was annouced for feburary 12th. I think this one will be really messed up.^^

    BeepBopp January 27, 2025 11:11 pm
    Looks like we're finally getting that novel. It was strange that the novel of Nathaniel Miller was canceled last summer and delayed indefinately. Today someone postet a link here, where the novel of Grayson ... Tôru

    I really hope they adapt grayson x dane into manwha !

    Btw what about Keith's parents, do they have a story ? His omega dad is apparently a captive (based on Keith's descriltion) but theres definitely more to it (at least i hope so)

BeepBopp January 24, 2025 4:26 pm

So apparently it is going towards "the ML always loved the MC" route for the boss story.

And i guess Yi Hyeok was supposed tl be a distraction. Which is total bs. The boss was OBSESSED with Yi Hyeok. Even when Da Geong just came back into the boss life, he said it himself he kept going to his little bar because of Yi Hyeok. He even attacked Yi Hyeok's mom with his car just for a reason to talk to Yi Hyeok or something like that.

This reminds me of "the substitute relationship". Where ML gives all his attention to someone else but "tUrNs oUt hE lOveD tHe mc aLl aLoNg" like bruuuuuuh

    SilverAshes January 24, 2025 8:08 pm

    Totally agree. Sorry for accidentally disliking, it won’t let me change to thumbs up :(

    Kheera January 24, 2025 8:50 pm

    wait is there a novel of this? like how do you know all this

    BeepBopp January 24, 2025 11:47 pm
    wait is there a novel of this? like how do you know all this Kheera

    I saw on another site (bad translation but enough to understand)

    Miara January 27, 2025 12:17 am

    That's so messed up, poor baby uke

    chocobuun January 27, 2025 4:30 am

    Seeing the latest raws honestly confused me more. Because at times when he’s with hyuk, he would think of dajeong, and at times when he’s with dajeong, he would think of hyuk. Honestly even when I tried machine translating the boss’s thoughts, it’s still confusing. To me, I don’t think the boss acknowledges or is even aware of basic affectionate feelings like love. It still feels like towards both hyuk and dajeong, it’s a feeling of wanting to play with them and dominate.

    He sounds like he’s bored of dajeong because of how easily he obtained him or tired of dajeong’s affection which he can’t reciprocate, and is excited by hyuk because of how hyuk resists or isn’t interested. I don’t think the boss is particularly obsessed with hyuk, based on his thoughts in the recent chapter, but more-so crazy by himself and is focusing on the nearest exciting thing to him. I also don’t think the boss is in love with either of them, and probably feels more bad towards dajeong. at most rn.

    BeepBopp January 27, 2025 4:41 am
    Seeing the latest raws honestly confused me more. Because at times when he’s with hyuk, he would think of dajeong, and at times when he’s with dajeong, he would think of hyuk. Honestly even when I tried mac... chocobuun

    I stand by what i said, his actions did seem to me that he was way more interested in Hyuk than Dajeong. WHICH IS FINE but then why is the author pretending that he likes Dajeong at all (which is what i read in the raws from.a fan translation).

    I wouldnt say he loves yi hyeok that we totally agree on, but i think he crossed the obsession level when he hit the mom with the car.

    Huaran February 8, 2025 12:07 pm
    I stand by what i said, his actions did seem to me that he was way more interested in Hyuk than Dajeong. WHICH IS FINE but then why is the author pretending that he likes Dajeong at all (which is what i read in... BeepBopp

    Agreed since the boss is imagining Hyeok more and even dreaming which isn’t something he can control. So sadly I think he does like and is obsessed with Hyeok for some reason. I forgot why he likes Hyeok.

    Poor Dajeong. I wish he had self respect.

    Heard ch 9 side story raws is bad (apparently Boss dreams or imagines fucking Hyeok or something BDSM, in front of chained Inseo).

    Maybe it has something to do with him catching his dad or someone in the act of BDSM play, and he got interested in a fucked up way.

    BeepBopp February 8, 2025 1:50 pm
    Agreed since the boss is imagining Hyeok more and even dreaming which isn’t something he can control. So sadly I think he does like and is obsessed with Hyeok for some reason. I forgot why he likes Hyeok.Poor... Huaran

    Yea ezactly and he is going after Yi Hyeok from the start to the end of main story, and right now we are still at the start of the main story time line, so.... i have no idea how this side story will redeem itself.

    ACTUALLY, this story could redeem itself by having Dajeong find someone else...but we all know this aint happening

    I really didnt think we could get a story worse than 2nd couple...

    Huaran February 8, 2025 2:08 pm
    Yea ezactly and he is going after Yi Hyeok from the start to the end of main story, and right now we are still at the start of the main story time line, so.... i have no idea how this side story will redeem its... BeepBopp

    I agree so much, this is worse than 2nd couple, and annoying as hell. I wish, if author listened, MC finds a better (in looks and personality) guy and ML can continue his imaginations and start to regret horribly.

BeepBopp January 10, 2025 10:58 am

I read the story, it starts very good but when we learn of all the things that happened to MC and its as if the MC didnt even try to do anything about it....


At the end of season 2, he goes meet someone who has repeatedly raped him. And ofc he gets raped again. And all this time the prosecutor was hearing jt because he had device so that the prosecutor could hear him. And then next chapter the rapist is gone and prosecutor arrives after.... and they never tried to accuse him of rape...

So yea.....good story totally ruined for the sake of rape again and again.

    BeepBopp January 10, 2025 6:00 pm

    To summarize : dont get fooled by the promising first half of the story, because the 2nd half is just full of bullshit.

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