Fuvk em of politely XD
Their t-shirts.
Omg this baby. T0T
I could *he's the ml after all ;)*
Habe u ever seen a DOG this pretty FUVKERS????
Finally a FAMILY.
❝ I WAS ENCHANTED TO MEET YOU ~ ❞ can you hear it playing in the back?? I can. TT 0 TT
Ohhh lorddddd πoπ
He really Wish for it???? That wasn’t just to mock lewellyn???? Ohh myy godddddd T0T
What's with this jumpscares after every chap???
Wearing the same watch for EIGHT YEER?? *year ofc but i like using lewellyn style XD*
Perfect seme don't exist-
Deff a favourite. My Men are so green. I can't stop- T0T