OOO I love sharing music with strangers on the internet :3
Top 5 albums (no specific order)
Land of the Lustrous OST - Yoshiaki Fujisawa; D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L - Panchiko; Maggot - Dazey and the Scouts; Adrenaline - Deftones; インク(ink) - Plastic Tree
Idk about top 5 songs of all time there's too many so I'm gonna list some I love right now!
...... 1 reply
not actually friends with the people I follow cuz we don't talk but they're funny asf
ALSO if we're OOMFS we're FAMILY. gintokisdykegf, idkwuttoputhere;-;, squidkdj, mango, dyketron900 and chuyuri I'm looking at chu ️ 1 reply
I've loved the nikki franchise ever since love nikki and MY GOD infinity nikki is so good. I've been craving something low stakes, pretty on the eyes and chill so this is right up my alley!!
anyone want to exchange uids? america server btw :3
me personally I've been listening to the album mezzanine by massive attack for like 3 days straight now
*for those who wanna hear my ramblings abt this album*
Not only is Elizabeth Fraser (she's the goat) featured in this album, Horace Andy is also on it and I'm genuinely obsessed with the production of all the songs. Rlly tight bass, gorgeous vocals from Sarah Jay Hawkley as well with very nice distortion on the guitar in the last part of the song (in Dissolved Girl). Their non featured songs are great, too. Especially love Risingson, because while the bassline's deceptively simple it just blends SO well with the whole song. The singing and vocal mixing reminds me of Gorrilaz I think? I'm not exactly a professional music reviewer lmao, but the peculiar guitar riffs (?) in the background are my fav part. I could talk for hours about this I SWEAR