At this point i reallu dont think it just a coincidence. that bitch indeed has trick to breaking up seoh and haeru relationship. She knows they living together and intentionally chatting at inappropriate time suchas midnight with an ambigu message. I Just hope seoh can being honest, but he wasted the chanche haeru give by lying for n times.

So did he really had sex with her or not? HE doesnt remember, but there is a scene he remember purple hiair blushed face. se oh, and now he admit that girl bothered him, seoh why being like this.

I may be delusional, but I think they didn't do it for now but i m scared the he thinks he did it so he will think, I already did it so I’ll will do again for the desperation ands the guilty (you know how the cheaters are), I think the blush’scene is distorted because he was drunk and is from when he was drunk and he ask her if she liked him, I hope so cuz otherwise go to hell fucking cheater.
ntar pas tau serena slg sama frederick kebakaran jenggot pati eizer