I don't really like them but if I had to choose it would be Cain I mean at least Cain would stand up for Jooin unlike that one time and I get that Yawhi just doesn't understand but imagine how frustrating that would be it also doesn't help that neither of them are really communicating but at least Jooin is trying a little bit ugh Jooin just go find you a mans that is neither of them T-T

Why cant no one ever have a healthy relationship???? Y-Y just want everyone to be happy. Jooin isn't happy I don't even think if Yahwi and Jooin got together that Yahwi or Jooin would ever truly be happy Cain has a chance but idk I just think Jooin should start trying to see other people because this one obviously isnt working out
Jooin please just see other people, T-T my heart cant anymore.