This is their second meeting right? And from previous chapters leo is basically her mother's twin so why didn't he recognise leo or at least react to the resemblance? ┗( T﹏T )┛ (Or did he ?I can't remeber)
Its because grandpa didnt know the possibility of regina being alive and having a kid. Remember, she supposedly died at the carriage crash and thats it. And since leo’s age didnt match the accident. All this time he knows reg died at the carriage. Hence him breaking down upon learning that she lived, but still died a futile death
I never get notifications when this updates. I've tried bookmarking and saving the story multiple times and it seems to be saved except I never get update notifications for it!! Does anyone else have this issue? ┗( T﹏T )┛
Did you put it in your <reading list>?? Specifically, and not just add to a list???
That may be the issue, but if you did that and still don't get notification, idk..,, but maybe change it to already read or plan to read,, they both give notifications...
Try pressing reading and make sure that you're subscribed so that you can get notifications
If you select 'reading' or 'already read' then it should give you notifications when updated. If you select 'to be read' it won't give update notifications.
there's a checkbox that say you get notified whenever you choose (reading or already read)
but never in (want to read)
oops the actual phrase was "subscribe to this manga"