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未来MIRAI March 28, 2025 3:18 am

like how the bottom is becoming "girlier" and younger— and too young?!! This feels very wrong!!! I've lost a lot of desire to continue reading...
Whoever thought it was a good idea was really wrong!

未来MIRAI March 20, 2025 2:34 am

talking about angst *sigh* still no growth and redemption... like i get it, the drama, the enemies to lovers and all and the problem is me if it's not really my tea. but really from the omega's perspective there is nothing he can do, he can't say or do shit cuz the alpha has no respect whatsoever. he lets his temper out and sends mixed signals to a person who is tied to him by contract and blackmail. and everything positive between them is explainable as relations between alpha and omega plus the possessiveness and neediness and nothing more. at this point I was expecting that the alpha at least recognizes the omega for his skills and career and maybe took interest in his life but still nothing. but the omega took interest, that's frustrating. will he break him to then care?!
like boy I understand that you may have parental issues but be a little more mature pls

imo it doesn't make sense for their bond to become strong due to dependence between alpha and omega, after the alfa mess up ugly, it will be extremely generic!

I'm probably too hangover of this kind of troop and especially abo.

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addicted to distracting and dissociating myself
hated for setting boundaries
gaslighting survivor
"it's not that deep" victim

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