am i the only one who's happy for some reason that caste heaven finally became less twisted. Like they just showed in the last chapter that karino actually cares! In his own twisted way of protecting. And a lot of shit was explained about kuze and the glasses guy became stronger too! Like OH MY FUCKING GOD! FINALLY!!! Ch. 9 feels like a somewhat happy ending. I dunno but im just fucking glad a lot of shit got explained

I agree. I don't think that showing Karino "cares" made his actions less twisted. I mean...an owl cares about the mouse whose head its about to tear off and eat. And I can bet you, because that owl really likes eating and really wants and likes that mouse, he isn't going to want anyone else do anything to that mouse. I think that's more where Karino is...not that he is less twisted. I think that Ogawa is truly trying to show readers that Karino IS a sociopath and that she DOESNT condone his actions. I think the next chapter will show that this isn't really Karino caring as much as it is him bend possessive.

Well yeah, i forgot that for other people caring isnt the same as obssessiveness, as for me i take it as a person caring when he or she gets possessive, lol my thinkings kinda messed up owo. But anyway, and i do agree with what karino's doing as twisted, i just really dont care that much that it is twisted, aaaahhh fuck my heads starting to hurt from all the thinking, well anyway, im just happy with how caste heaven is going. Seriously hope it doesnt get more twisted than the first few chapters....

well now that the whole misconception about karino and kuze not giving a fuck about their ukes we can all enjoy the foursome without feeling bad. Cause i totally didnt expect the story to turn that way when i read the raws. Well aside from the fact that kusakabe and azusa became friends

Look closer at Kuze's pants. He was doing Atsuma while Atsuma was doing Asuza. They were both raped and the English translation makes it worse because it's clear they both said no.

I know everyone interprets things in her own way, but out of curiousity, which part of chpapter 8 makes you think the semes give a crap about their Ukes? For me, knowing what they said made it worse. How can they force the ukes to have sex with other people if they had any feelings at all?

Oh it's not a foursome. I just read "the other two weren't involved". It's a threesome where two of the three are being raped, and then one of them is rapped again by a 4th person.

Oh there's feelings involved: Kuze's attachment to Atsumu for whatever reason. The they sat there intimately and watched Karino screw was quite unnerving but in the same token reassuring. Kuze gives a crap. He's a weird one. Someone mention in the comments that this might've been to protect Atsumu from getting into trouble with Azusa now that Karino is back. We all know he's a twisted SOB. So showing him that Atsumu won't be a threat will protect him. Remember in 7.5 when he made it clear that he won't let anyone get in his way? I know Kuze's actions are over the top but I think my thought process isn't too far from the truth. I wouldn't know indefinitely. Kuze is a mysterious character.

If Kuze gives a crap, why did he set the whole thing up? He showed Atsumau what was going on, and he saw how Atsumu reacted. He waited till Karino was there to stop him from telling the teacher, and then he followed all Karino's orders and "gave" him to Karino via Azusa's backside. How can Kuze say he doesn't want to give Atsuma up when he just did? It makes no sense.
Remember that Kuze also set Atsumu up first to save him from the bullies and then to almost stab the queen. Kuze could easily have avoided those situations--he just wanted to make Atsumu do those hings. The same with the teacher situation--and the punishment.
Kuze doesn't even always get hard when he teases Atsumu. He's just playing with him. Don't look at what Kuze says, look at what Kuze does.

I agree too. :) How messed up is it that it takes multi-post analysis to describe what is going on even without those fricking bunnies?

I think kuze did the latest one as in the threesome or twosome thing (since people says its not a foursome) cause he was getting jelly how people are getting close to atsumu,
to the anon who said about kuze and the bullies and the queen thing. I think kuze was trying to gauge how much atsumu likes him. I mean we all know that kuze is the crazy biatch that doesnt look like one. Cause if atsumu is easily influenced by kuze and does crazy things because of him then we can say he's going crazy for kuze which is what i think all possessive crazy semes would like.
And the other anon, who said about the semes not having feelings, how should i explain it. For me kuze and karino have a strong but brittle relationship, like they use each other for their own benefit. So at best they could be together plotting some messed up shit and at worst they could be trying to stab each other. This one would be the better one where they fuck their ukes together and maybe share a bit. As i said in my previous comment i see karino as a person whod try to break the person he loves. And i see kuze as the type to manipulate his uke every now and then

lol, when i read the comments here i thought it would be usually about the extra chapter, but lots of the comments were about the raw. So i got curious myself and read it even if i dont understand a single fukin thing.
Well i dunno why people say that the threesome/foursome is bad tho. I mean it feels like karino and the other seme kuze i think, had some kind of agreement. And there are people who thinks that sex is different from love or something so i dont really know why they think that karino doesnt like azuma anymore cause he let other guys fuck him. Though i think it is messed up, but i just want to see their twisted happy ending

Because in the past the "Love of a brute" trope has been tied to a possessive twisted love on the part of the seme. If the seme isn't possessive, then he doesn't have any feelings (however messed up) and he is just a pimp. If you separate sex and love, the seme would actually have to do something loving to count as having feelings. Since that isn't going to happen, we need possessiveness to indicate the seme gives a crap.

Good point anon. Well i think that i didnt really look for the possessiveness of the seme in this manga because everyone who's a fan of ogawa would know most of her yaoi is twisted. But for me the fact that karino even spends time with um the uke (shit forgot his name) means that at the least he wants him. I see karino as the type who'd ignore other people unless it benefits him or if he feels like it.
And karinos twisted as fuck in the head so i didnt really expect any outward possessiveness from him, but i do expect him to try to break the uke mentally or smthing, (for some reason a lot of twisted semes are like that) and i'll take that as the form of love karino has for the uke, even if its fukin messed up.

dont you find it funny when the dick has a mini face on it?

You should read this one then hehe
be warned there are a lot of penis faces ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

it might be just me but i just really want to be able to read the raws so that i can try to interpret it. I mean seriosuly the thing with who sean loves is it vinny or kyle thing. Sure saying that sean loves them both is a good answer but i want some closure damnit!
I couldnt feel the ending fully when i was first reading it cause i was so focused on seans confession to vinny.
Sigh, anyway rant over, overall this was Beautiful and not too tragic-ish, i swear my heart would have broken if there was more drama like vinny not being able to let go of the past.

Um why shouldn't Vinny not be able to let go of the past? His feelings over it aren't valid?
okay for fuck knows how many times ive reread this it only came up to me now. Does little bro (seme) actually like "like" older bro (uke). Because older bro kept on saying how his little bro who looks at him like a brother would accept him anyway. So its making me wonder if younger bro is doing this for the sake of his older bro or if he's doing this cause he loves older brother. This might seem like a stupid question but its been on my mind. So any thoughts on the matter would help.
And what are the chances that little bro joined the archery club because he can see older bro at the rooftop?
I'm curious about that too? It seems more like he's ready to do anything as long as he can stay by his brother's side. I think he also got jealous of Koganei for knowing more about his brother than him. Either way, I really wish there was another chapter of this. It was awesome. It could also be that he's the "good" brother to make it easier for his big bro in terms of expectations and stuff :o
I think the little brother DOES like the older brother enough to want to do it, and not just because the older brother wanted to(even if he never would have thought of doing it before finding out it was what the older brother wanted).
For example, he left marks on the older brother but said "sorry" for it, as though it was what he(the younger brother) wanted to do, and not something the older brother had asked him to do
So yeah, I think the younger brother loves the older brother too
I see... Well youre reasoning sounds legit, and in the end its happy ending for everyone anyway. Yay!
Oh snap I didn't catch that. That makes so much sense. O.O
I think that the point she mentions at the end is crucial, the regardless if it is love or not, I am your lover thing. and of course the despair and the conflict, so delicious. the older raised to love the younger as brother and only as brother, doesn't want to obstrict the younger's future with his desires and feelings, trying to vent his frustration and punishing himself by constantly fighting, but still his gaze follows the little one everywhere. I think that is the reason he is on the rooftop. the younger, confused by the change in the older, fearing the hatred, jealousy ripping through him as he thinks koganei kisses his brother, not daring to overstepping the brotherly bond hoping to be with him forever regardless of his position. and then the revelation. they love each other, but still they can't get over their ingrained guilt. the older because he made the younger stray from the right path and the younger fearing it to be an ellusive dream, marking the other like branding the other with kiss marks to make him his. koganei was crucial, without him, they would have stayed in the state of homeostasis.
Y'know youre good at this (๑•ㅂ•)و✧. I read it again today looking at all the drawings specifically, looking for hints on what the younger bro feels. And im thinking that your theory is more or less onpoint.
The last few pages got to me though, about the "cat". And now my minds in a loop again, but either way. They both love each other a lot, we just dont know if what younger bro feels is the same as older bro ( ̄へ ̄)