JFC I almost regret reading this cause all of its so saddd TT^TT!!!!!! I mean the only one with a good ending is the sempai and doggy kouhai. Especially the last one, that one hurt my heart so much cause I can relate a bit to some degree. When you lose someone you love cause of all the negative feelings bottling up.
Fucking fuck I have so much feels I don't know what to do with it.

Hummm I think this is the first BL the mangaka made from what s/he said in the afterword. So maybe we could give a bit of leeway when criticizing this.
Although I for one am in the minority who loved this to pieces! (≧∀≦)!!!!
Also s/he improved a lot with mahoraba days, that one was definitely great!

Holy fuck what if home sempai married his first love, like holy fuck he has a lover with him what if it's his sempai! I mean he did tell momo about it out of the blue amirite amiriteeee?????.
Although it's a bit sad that yone's sister didn't end up with him, I was kinda rotting for her too even though I knew it was a ship that never even sailed to begin with.
Dude I can't be the only one who already thought that Lune would be the seme right? I mean Naono Bohras works have an unexpected seme/uke most of the time, or more like seme looking ukes.
It took me totally by surprise. The story lead me on unconsciously believing that lune was the uke. Lol when they were having sex, I just kept getting the feeling their rolls were backwards. I don't know why? Usually it wouldn't have mattered to me otherwise. I guess because the seme was a woman in another life that what got me twisted. With him being a woman in another life I just assume that lune would want to take use roll. Especially since the seme was straight to began with and having problems with samesex. He got over that quickly.