When I think about it, if you remove Seju and Sumin×Seju's relationship, there's nothing worth telling in this manhwa since Sumin and the blondie relationship was so boring and bland and Sungji was one dimensional useless character till the end. If Seju didn't exist WDTFS could have ended after 20 chapters.
Seju carried this story. And she's so pretty and hot. How can a character be tragic, miserable but yet so beautiful

looks like YOU didnt understand the story. obv seju’s story is gonna be more developed since its the main plot line, shes literally one of the main characters duh. compared to sejuxsumin, which is toxic, suminxsungji is way more healthy. sumin literally left seju bc of how theyre using each other and shit and that she actually wants to put in effort into her relationship with sungji, not like her past relationships with other girls including seju. i think u have some kind of idea that i hate seju or sum. feels like u call sungji boring and useless bc u only like and see toxic relationships with a tunnel vision.

No I understand the story perfectly, and if I have to explain it to you im gonna end up writing a book which I won't bother.
Sumin isn't in a healty relationship, the last few chapters were showing you her huge dependency problems bcs she was never healed from her trauma.
Sumin and Seju healing was supposed to be breaking from dependency. Team gaji did it with Seju, they made her break free from dependency but they refused to heal Sumin, they made Sumin a person who will always need a partner by her side to be happy, everytime Sumin isn't in a relationship she is always depressed and can't function like a normal person, so basically Sumin is doomed to never be in a healty relationship since she's way too dependent on a romantic partner to be happy.
WDTFS was Seju's healing story not Sumin's, Team gaji themselves confirmed that.
it baffles me seeing ppl saying Sumin was healed and is in a healty relationship now. And this's why I call Sungji useless bcs the majority of readers love to call her a healer whe she is not bcs Sumin was never healed to begin with. she did nothing, she knows nothing about Sumin's trauma or past for her to heal her.
You are only calling Sumin and Sungji healthy bcs you are comparing their relationship to Sumin and Seju that was obviously too toxic. Stop comparing their relationship to Sumin and Seju, you will realize that Sumin is not in a healty relationship.
Sumin and Sungji is just nowhere near as toxic Sumin and Seju's relationship was, but it doesn't make Sumin and Sungji a healty relationship either.

The only reason why Sumin had to cut ties with Seju is bcs of her gulit for Sungji. Do you even realize that if Sumin didn't cheat on Sungji? Sumin and Seju would have been able to get back together after Sumin admitted that she's still in love with Seju?
It's the gulit what trapped Sumin in this relationship with Sungji unlike Sumin's other relationships. This's literally why the author had to make Sumin cheat, so Sumin can finally work on her relationship with Sungji out of gulit and responsiblity, and also to escape her problem and love for Seju (a person she's scared to love)

yeah i see your point but sumin cheated bc she was ready to move on. sounds weird ik, she admitted she was still in love with seju but also that she loved sungji. she tried to change and never crawled back to seju after this. and then later on sumin said she and seju cant get back together bc they couldnt even end it properly in the first place, implying that they can never go back to how they were before. so even if sungji chose to actually break it off, sumin and seju wouldnt have stayed together simply bc sumin would be or wouldve alr moved on from seju. you say that they would get back together bc seju, is the only one, still stuck on sumin.
the reason why we dont have sumin’s healing story is bc, as u said, this is seju’s healing story. i dont think the last few chapter where sumin shows her “dependency” is from her trauma. yeah sumin was weak and dependent on seju during their earlier times but that was bc she was blinded by loved and didnt know any better. sumin’s trauma is not just dependency but that she couldnt forget and forgive to move on, i cant word it right but u get it. i would say sungji did heal sumin since shes the reason why sumin finally got the courage to cut ties with seju and learned to love again. the will and the ring was foreshadowing that sumin and sungji would marry, i read in a discussion that team gaji confirmed they got married.
plus you cant really say that sumin is depressed every time she is not in a relationship since shes depressed from break-ups, not that she has no romantic partner to depend on. she wasnt serious about her past relationships and only fucked around to hurt seju.
anyway this is all subjective and all im tryna say is sungji was a bit bland but my girl was def not useless.

I don’t think I can have a conversation with you like that when you don’t seem to pay attention to details at all, nor do you seem to pay attention to the reasons behind Sumin’s actions or her past relationships.Do you even hear yourself? How can you say Sumin cheated because she was ready to move on, implying she was ready to move on because she’s in love with Sungji? Why would she cheat on her then? Sumin cheated because of her guilt for Seju. Sumin hates feeling guilty, and when she feels guilty, she’ll do anything to tone it down. And you should know that loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things. Sumin admitted to being in love with Seju, while she admitted that she loves Sungji, which clearly shows her feelings for Seju are stronger than her feelings for Sungji. The reason Sumin decided to break up with Seju completely after admitting she was in love with her wasn't because she was ready to move on, but because she’s scared and traumatized to ever be romantically with Seju again. Seju makes her feel too vulnerable, and she was lucky that Sungji was there, so she used Sungji as an escape. Do you even know that, throughout the whole story, Sumin isn’t in love with Sungji? She’s just trying to love her. Sumin admitted several times that she’s just trying to love Sungji; she’s forcing herself when love is supposed to flow naturally.Of course, Sumin won’t go back to Seju after she cheated on Sungji. What I meant was, if the cheating didn’t happen, if Seju had just taken the chance to have a conversation with Sumin about what happened since all these years she was scared to communicate with Sumin, instead of making her cheat and exposing her cheating, if they had just had a conversation when Sumin finally allowed it, they would’ve gotten back together.
Sumin didn’t go back to Seju like she usually does because she knows she still has a chance with Sungji. Otherwise, why would she chase after Sungji if she knew she had zero chances? Sumin messed up, and the guilt was killing her, so she wanted to fix her mistake so badly. That’s why she refused to crawl back to Seju like usual. Have you even paid attention to Sumin’s relationship with the redhead girl? Sumin doesn’t go back to Seju unless she’s 100% sure her relationship is completely over. It happened when she was dating the redhead girl. Redhead girl was two-timing her with a man, but Sumin didn’t break up with her and crawl back to Seju. She wanted to fix their relationship, but the redhead girl was the one who refused because she couldn’t break up with her fiancé. Now that Sumin knew her relationship was completely over with the redhead girl, she crawled back to Seju.And it happened with Sungji again. Sumin didn’t go back to Seju because, deep down, she knew she could fix her relationship with Sungji, and she was lucky several times to fix it.
And please pay attention to why Sumin was finally able to cut ties with Seju. Sumin was never willing to cut ties with Seju. She wasn’t taking her relationship with Sungji seriously. She even told Seju, "What if I’m gonna go back to you?" Sungji even sensed that Sumin was ready to break up with her at any point.Why do you think the author had to make Sumin cheat? Why did the author offer Sumin a girl who was experiencing her first love? Why did the author make Sumin admit her feelings for Seju after 10 years? Do you know what these represent?Sumin cheating represents “Guilt.” Sungji being a girl experiencing her first relationship represents “Responsibility.” Sumin admitting her feelings for Seju represents her biggest fear: "Loving Seju." Guilt, responsibility, and escaping her feelings for Seju—these are the three main reasons Sumin was finally able to break it off with Seju and work it out with Sungji. It wasn’t because she was finally able to fall in love, because throughout the whole story, Sumin is just forcing herself to love Sungji, you are crediting Sungji way too much just bcs she is end game, when the reason Sumin was able to cut ties with Seju wasn't bcs of an action from Sungji, it was mainly bcs of gulit for hurting Sungji.
And to say Sumin was never serious with other girls is crazy. Sumin literally loved the redhead girl more than she could ever love Sungji. The redhead girl cheated on Sumin with a man, yet she still wanted to be with her. She was nice and comfortable with the redhead girl from the beginning, but with Sungji, Sumin only started being nice out of guilt after she cheated on her. Sumin has never seen Sungji as a special girl, she admitted that in chapter 50. She just sees her as a nice girl, and Sumin admitted before that she had dated nice girls, Sungji wasn’t the first one. So, Sumin never saw Sungji as special.
Sumin was never healed or able to love again. This was confirmed by the author in 2022 in one of their interviews when they discussed the pairings themes. Sumin loves Sungji, yes, but loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things. Her feelings for Sungji are nothing special.
This is one of the main reasons I don’t like discussing WDTFS with team blonde. All you do is project your feelings into the story. You always ignore the dialogues and details provided. You know that Sumin and Sungji are endgame, so you try so hard to idealize them and project onto them themes that never existed.

And please, the "Will" thing, really??? Do you even know the reasons why Sumin wrote Sungji a will? The will literally came unplanned. If you love your partner, something like this doesn’t just come unplanned. She only decided to make this will because of the guilt she felt for her dead friend. She felt guilty that she wasn’t there to support her friend financially, so what she did was use Sungji to tone down her guilt. She wrote a will for her so Sungji would never go bankrupt. Sumin never did anything for Sungji because she loves her, there’s always an ulterior motive behind her actions. She never did anything for Sungji unless she benefits from it first.

And the one who is still stuck in the past is Sumin, not Seju. Seju thinks about the present and future, while Sumin is still stuck in the past, even though Seju has left her and moved on.
Sumin is the one who still keeps pictures of them as a treasure, despite having a girlfriend that we are made to believe she’s in love with. Sumin is the one who refused to move out of the house just because it has her memories with Seju. Have you connected the ending of Paradise to the Will spin-off? Did you see the scene where Sumin talked about her dreams with Seju, about wanting to work hard to move overseas so they could get legally married and act freely as a couple? Have you noticed in Will that Sumin didn’t achieve that dream with her new girlfriend because she’s not passionate in this relationship, since she’s not in love? There were several scenes in Will that show how Sumin and Sungji can’t act freely as an LGBTQ couple. Then we have Sumin acting all fake, saying she feels sorry that they’re legally strangers. Why can’t she take Sungji to live overseas and legally marry her, the way she planned with Seju? She has nothing holding her back, you know that, right?
Sumin refused to legally marry Sungji because she can’t leave the house that holds Seju’s memories. That’s why the house was a significant item in WDTFS. Do you even know that Sumin replicated the arrangement of Seju’s room?
It’s hard for me to discuss WDTFS with you because you’re missing too many details. I can’t blame you, you’re not the only one, 90% of WDTFS readers don’t have a good understanding of the story. It’s a well-written and genius story, please. It’s not your typical love triangle where you project your own feelings and try so hard to idealize characters or couples just because they’re endgame.
TJ stans are so delusional, it's really funny seeing many of them claim Wet Sand is boring without him and insist he should be the protagonist instead of Ian. Mind you TJ is only interesting bcs of Ian. Meanwhile, Ian stands out on his own and doesn't need TJ to make him compelling, which is why he's the protagonist.
Ian is interesting bcs he is doing actions, he is actively trying to improve his life, and that's what makes him such a great character. His relationship with Jo is particularly engaging bcs both of them are putting in the effort to make it work, creating clear room for growth and development. In contrast, TJ has been stuck in the same loop, doing the same thing for 14 years, prioritizing the gang over Ian. Even as a gangster, TJ is pretty boring compared to others. The gang subplot is only relevant and interesting bcs of Ian and Jamie. Jamie is the gangster who will make the gang subplot relevant again by involving Ian and Jo in the gang which will create chaos and conflicts in the story which will finally lead to story to move forward.
It's also funny when TJ stans call Jo or Ian × Jo "boring" bcs Ian and TJ's present time relationship is literally boring. They have no real substance or growth, every time they meet, it's just smut. To the point the author often dedicates three consecutive chapters to s*x bcs there’s nothing else to explore in their current dynamic. The only truly compelling moments between them are in the flashbacks, bcs the flashbacks explain how their relationship went wrong and why they are in this kind of relationship to this day. Present time Ian × TJ on the other hand goes nowhere, it’s just a repetitive cycle.
I really hate how underrated Ian is as a protagonist, let alone seeing people claim his story without TJ is boring. Ian's journey is about moving on and healing, at least with Jo, there’s visible character development, and Ian is actively changing for the better. Watching him evolve in this relationship is refreshing and aligns perfectly with the themes of growth and moving forward that the Wet Sand is trying to tell.
Ate. The one who moves the story forward is Ian.
I love you for this, here’s a hearteu <3