i am happy he is going through it rn. i genuinely believe this is best for his character.. he is a terrible character and was never going to learn his lesson pushing others around. i feel we’re too far for good character development to redeem him but i hope he learns to be better and this teaches him a lesson.
does anyone have any more suggestions like this that are bound to make me cry?! i love sad stories tbh
Darkness Before The Dawn
does anyone have suggestions on stories like this?! i come back to reread this often, genuinely one of my favorite stories. i loved the main characters and their relationship was so good. i love stories that the couple just like fall for each other quick and non of the extra extra drama and toxicity. the ml was amazing i loved him and how he loved her!
i liked the story.. although i thought the possessiveness from Jiwoon to Suha was kind of weird like taking his electronics and isolating him from the outside world was kind of weird. also i did not feel bad for dohyeok at all.. (i think thats the red heads name). what happened to him was sad but i still don’t believe it redeemed him from what he did to Suha and such.. i actually skipped right past that story line and felt him being with Suha’s friend was weird considering all that went down. but it got better in the end and im glad Suha got his happy ending.
Imagine every time you go see your friend you also see his new bf, the guy who put you through hell. That’s kind of traumatic af. I’d feel betrayed.
yesss exactly my point, especially because your friend has been there through all the trauma. i feel like the moment i see them together i’d have a panic attack.