Eunhan needs to be locked up in a psych ward. He is insane. Just make your last wish and die. Also having sex in the hospital. As a nurse, I would be horrified to see this
Is it weird that I’m kinda bored at the end of season 1. There isn’t anything that is compelling me to continue reading this. I’m reading comments about how crazy ML is so I will stick this manwa out and see if I want to continue through the 3rd season when it comes out.
Yeah I’m… a bit tired of this push and pull. I’m getting the ominous feeling that the author will put off any major revelations for ages, then have the whole thing wrap up super quickly after that.
I love the best friend. He is amazing. I also feel like there are some unresolved things like reunification with his mother. Maybe some consequences to the aunt.
This story is cute but I couldn’t finish it. Each chapter made me feel like I was missing some information. Feels a bit jumpy.