Asrahan has NO business being so cute and sexy at the same time. Wtf?! He is so freaking cute in the face but that body is ALL sex. I think he's my favorite ML so far. Even him being yandere is a-okay with me. (Probably because he's harmless, to the FL at least, and Doha is proving to be the actual problematic yandere here.)
I severely hope this doesn't go down the cliche route of her actually running away from Asrahan, then finding out she's been healed, then having to find her way back to him. Just. No. I want that entire plotline to be omitted altogether. I might just give up on this one if they push for it too hard. Some stories don't need ALL the gimmicks.
... I've seen some people talk about how the split in personality is like the MC is trapped in their body and the game avatar is controlling him, and that it feels kind of unnecessary. But. Let's be real. If my chuuni phase OC basically possessed me... I wouldn't want control of my body back either. Who wants to deal with people after being that cringe. Lol! At least the chuuni don't think it's cringe so it's not even embarrassing for him.
I love these two. Roflmao.