okay this is lwk me rambling while im high and i need an output for it so
Ok so right i got a rocking gf, she’s beautiful, smart, interesting, headstrong. She went through mad changes and im proud of her for it, and honestly they were for the best. Anyway the thing is, she went from introvert, not wanting to interact with anyone else, to extrovert, good at interactions and social butterfly kinda. The thing is, im happy for her, very. I think the thing is is that when she was an introvert, i was the extrovert. Now its the complete opposite and i think its due to my worsening depression and i think im developing an addiction to za lmfaoooo. I’m socially reclusing and like i feel like my life isn’t real bruh, or just the fact that im going to go nowhere in life is scaring the shit out of me. Like i used to be mad smart and i feel like now that I’ve been smoking and been getting mad lazy I’ve been developing really bad habits and my grades r dropping too. Anyway idk wtf to do lmfaooo, i feel hopeless