MC IS GIVING AROMANTIC I wonder if thatll change or something? It would be weird if they changed that about him but I have a bad feeling about how this will turn out :/ I hope they dont pull a Cherry Blossoms after Winter (aka they forget the entire plot and make it sex 24/7). I love the progression of their relationship but I am TERRIFIED

Aromantic man here, he's definitely giving aro-ace bisexual rn, it's crazy. Him rarely finding anyone attractive already gave me aro-ace vibes but the author outright spelling my entire dating story is just
And the way unlike a lot of BL characters, he actually has a mature and coherent thought process of what he wants with relationships, something aro-aces are typically represented as (not like that's actually real tho, just how we're portrayed).
May or may not be, I absolutely love it when bls make mcs that have no apparent "labels." It's more engaging cuz you get to analyze and draw Ur own conclusion and it makes em feel more relatable wahahaha
Anyways rant over I just love these 2 (ŕšâ˘ă

That's the thing, there is no apparent label that can describe him precisely. But saying "aromantic" because it's a spectrum and could potentially apply to him if bunch of other conditions were also met? Like that also goes for every sexuality/identity. Also as someone who is bi/pan and has similarly "not been attracted to many people" throughout my life and NOT being aromantic, can't I say the same thing and assign him what I am?
Anyone is free to interpret a character even if it's not canon, but it's like.. Admit that and have a discussion about it on that basis, instead of trying to prove something with very little evidence and way too many assumptions to back it up because you crave representation.

I agree with everything you said about labels, but like. I did say what you said I didn't? Feel free to interpret it how you'd like, I'm just doing the same thing lol.
Here, I'll even put it here again:
"May or may not be, I absolutely love it when bls make mcs that have no apparent "labels." It's more engaging cuz you get to analyze and draw Ur own conclusion and it makes em feel more relatable wahahaha"
Feel free to give him whatever identity you'd like cuz he's not real. I already agreed with your stance with labels w/ the one on top^, so please read before replying
And I didn't really went my way to prove anything, I didn't even respond to anyone but the OG comment, I'm not being argumentative here, just agreeing with the comment.
Also, "trying to prove something with little evidence to back it up"? I'm not trying to prove anything, I'm just saying how I'm interpreting the character based on my own lived experience, and that means and the OG comment made similar conclusions.
"Because I crave representation"? it ain't that deep lol, I just enjoyed the character and related to em. You're fighting someone that ain't me . âŽ( ̄â˝ďżŁ)â
To clarify, I do crave representation, representation for myself, representation for everyone. No matter if you use labels or not, everyone should be represented and seen, sorry if thats too woke of me.

I'm not fighting you, I was using your comment as a jumping off point to address what others were also saying. But I can see how it came off that way, I'm sorry that I didn't make that clear.
I don't disagree with your view, I disagree with the tendency people have to assign overall labels based on certain depicted behaviours -which aren't even explored in detail-, while presenting that to be a as the sole "right" interpretation. Which is what the OP and others were inferring.
As for "eveyone should be represented and seen" , well yes. But if said representation comes only through speculation or very limited/partial aspects or goes against what the character canonically per author is (clearly stated or heavily implied), then we should at least acknowledge that when we analyze the character/behaviours. And that still doesn't mean we can't be represented in on way or another.
As an example, if we knew Yeo-woon was ace/aro by being outright told that, I would still be able relate to some parts of him. But those similarities would obviously not be enough to claim "oh he experienced this as I did, he must really be bi and a romantic". Why would I dismiss his established identity (at least at the time) for the sake of my greater representation? I'd leave that for an au or just theoretical convos if I was so inclined. I'm saying this to illustrate that it doesn't help to force identities, but there's no issue in accepting what's canon, potentially relate to some of the canon stuff and for the rest hypothetically discuss whatever we feel like.
It might not be "that deep" but I've seen so many people literally take it that seriously with the "he's just like me for real", get unhealthily attached and if the narrative eventually doesn't match them anymore it's like all hell breaks loose on the author for betraying their interpretation of the character, as if that defines them irl.

jigu is so full of himself and hes such a loser like holy crap I want mc to crush his ego but i also want mc to help jigu become a more decent human being since i think theyd still be cute together

it does happen.. kind of? jiguâs random assumptions of him get confronted, challenged or just flat out dismissed. thereâs a lot of uncomfortable lack of communication moments ahead still however, esp when we get to jigu being compliant in bsdm bc he thinks that the m/l is into it instead of just asking clearly.

dumb fuck sex analysis: this is lowkey the most accurate depiction of sex ive read in a BL manhwa. the humor involved along with the fetish discovery and newbie-ness is all pretty well written (coming from someone who has done it only once). I prefer shounen ais since the sex in yaoi is usually boring/repetitive/too much/not meaningful- but this was great and the fact that they edged the sex scene from us until chapter 20-something added a satisfactory point imo. overall, ts dont pmo we need more yaoi like this. I do enjoy healthy green flag male leads-but sometimes, i wanna read about a complete weirdo love interest- BUT NEVER an insufferable red flag freakazoid. this male lead is weird and freakish but probably not absolutely insane. with that said, the mc has questionable morals but in that sense, him and the other dude are equally bad and basically belong together. thank you for listening to my analysis. now im gonna sleep so I can take my sociology exam tomorrow. farewell

Dont get me wrong, I love this story, but lately, each chapter has been feeling like we get barely anywhere. The tea party was useless, and all she got to do was place a bet. i mean⌠couldnât they at least start the horse race and make it seem like horse 1 was gonna lose/win, something hyped up? It is so drawn out⌠the light novel might be way better