granny just wants the best for kim dan because he is her little puppy anyways, as she said in a previous chapter… breaks my heart that she has to see him suffer like that
jaekyung needs to be begging on his knees with snot and tears
isnt this by the author who made the gym bl? i can’t remember the name of it
i’m just gonna say, this was the same kind of plot as bj alex, the chase arc happened then they had s-x and went separate ways. it’s abit disappointing tho coz i was excited for a super long chase arc
i feel so bad for my bb kim dan like just leave him alone!!!!!!! he moved to the town to spend time with his grandma since she is dying and he goes to the town to bring him back.. GET AWAY JAEYKUNG!
jaekyung is so delusional like bro you think because you gave kim dan money and had s*x does not mean he will take you back.. smh at jaekyung.. AND HIM MOVING TO THE TOWN?! LIKE BFFR YOU NEED TO LET KIM DAN GO!
the fact jaekyung expects kim dan to come running back because he’s waving money in his face is unbelievable, he had a full month to think about what he should say and flopped badly. anyways love my bb kim dan
i was hoping for a really good chase arc but seeing the recent chapter… smhhhhhh.
How did jaekyung even find him???? it makes no sense..