the fact jaekyung expects kim dan to come running back because he’s waving money in his face is unbelievable, he had a full month to think about what he should say and flopped badly. anyways love my bb kim dan
i was hoping for a really good chase arc but seeing the recent chapter… smhhhhhh.How did jaekyung even find him???? it makes no sense..
I'm pretty sure the photo they took before got circulated on social media....that's how
true, i would’ve preferred there to be some chapters where jaekyung saw it instead
Yeah...I hope we get a jaekyung pov....maybe it will b shown there
the fact jaekyung expects kim dan to come running back because he’s waving money in his face is unbelievable, he had a full month to think about what he should say and flopped badly. anyways love my bb kim dan