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Isshi created a topic of Ways of Parting

I read it last night and I can't wrote a review after because my head hurts. But this story is so realistic as I read of the reviews. I love that Yoon took time to finally moved on from his past relationship before he enters a new serious one with Kwon. And I really got emotional for Taejoo too, and I wish he will find his soulmate too. He deserves to be happy too. From Yoon's perspective, it's really hard to wake up one day and find out that your lover has someone else and it really is hard to accept at first. I understand what he did in the beginning, being desperate because he don't know what to do at that situation. Imagine you woke up that your loved one is with you like it only feels like yesterday and then boom, everythig changed. Yoon is so strong. I also understand Taejoo too. :( This story has a special place in my heart. I also like that Kwon also take his time and waited even though he told Yoon to forget about the apartment. But how can you forget it like that. Hahaha. I just wished it had more chapter.