I am in NEED of advice. I literally can’t concentrate. I have my scholarship college exam this weekend and I feel so insecure. Idk if I can explain it well but I don’t even wanna study I think because I’m scared I’ll fail anyway and I dont want to face reality. So what have I been doing instead os studying? Well, keeping my mind busy with BL ig . Idk it’s just so easy to ignore everything else an read and read stories to keep me distracted. I’m actually so sad I want to change so bad to feel like I made an effort but ig I just don’t want to face it, I feel so disappointed on myself I feel like I have no will at all. Anyway can anyone relate? ANY advice at all? please and thank you
hey, so what worked for me was being angry. like really fucking enraged at myself and using that energy to keep at my goals. maybe try that?
and also do not panic and try to keep calm. whatever happens dont lose your cool.
do what you can with what you have. it's better than doing nothing and avoiding the situation, trust.
and yeah i know it can be hard to stay awy from your device but think of it this way: all the stuff you wanna read and watch will still be here all the same. you won't lose it, it won't run away or disappear. you can come back 10 years later and it will still be here waiting for you.
go do what you have to do! you're not the first or the last person to be dealing with life. there were ppl before you and those who will come after, dw youre not alone, you got this.
as an adult who has experienced this and will experience it 1000 more times in the future, you need to be okay with being uncomfortable. that’s the only thing that will move you forward. when you’re young and dealing with difficult tasks that you’re not 100% prepared for it makes sense that you escape to short-form entertainment as a way to soothe your anxiety. the truth is that you just need to let yourself be uncomfortable and work. all the adults you see who are successful or have done difficult things have let themselves be okay with being uncomfortable/unsure - if you only live doing easy things that you know you’re good at it won’t progress you forward. even if you think you’re trying and it’s not paying off just keep on going. the best outcomes don’t happen right away, it usually takes a while of continued effort to see just how great the pay off is. you might feel dejected and insecure because you keep on working and don’t see any rewards but trust yourself and keep on going even if you’re unsure or wary. nothing good comes easy, if it does it’s not serving you positively and will only detriment you.
don’t stress too much, you will be fine. even if you’re scared, nervous, anxious, dont trust yourself, and are insecure, you will be okay. life has a funny way of somehow turning out okay in the end as long as you keep on trying to be a better version of yourself. don’t worry about disappointing the people around you because the most important person is yourself, not other people. you are loved and cared for so much more than you think, it’s now your job to face challenges not because of other people but because you want to for yourself. you should study and work hard because you want your future to be bright. you should want to be uncomfortable and unsure because it means you’re going to progress your knowledge and make you more smarter/talented.
it will be okay, you will be fine, just trust yourself and work for yourself. life is hard and you will struggle but it just means you’re living life to the fullest
what I do that works is balance it. If I want to read my manhwa, I need to study for ten minutes. Then I can read for ten minutes, pavlov yourself into a routine, working hard then giving your mind a break. It’s not your fault at all that you’re having issues with this, it’s normal; but u need to be determined to follow through in any way that works