Weird evil lesbo trope even in yaoi I'm wheezing lol

I dont think she's actually lesbian, since it seemed like she heard people having sex and she said "i want to try that to". I think those people who had sex were a gay couple and she wanted to try being gay just because. Which is even a bigger reason for me not liking her.
I mean this is just my speculation she might actually be leasbian, just feels like something's odd.
Do you understand what you read in your precious yaoi isn't reality?? Insane? Ikr?!! Y'all want the image or hetero relationships in homosexual ones too. If it's not stereotypical you get mad? Lol.
ngl, i almost drop my jaw on the floor after i found out that my manager(male) has a boyfriend of 4 yrs and they both look like a top model. His boyfriend is a racer, really looks like an athlete you wouldnt thought their boyfriends when you see them together. but then they hold hands or touch each others waist whenever they meet so yeah Even meet this seaman friend and his seafairer student boyfriend. Ive read too much yaoi i guess that I support them a lot
This is a stretch lmfao
Vast majority of yaoi audience is straight women. Straight women arguing with straight women if a gay character can or can't be switch is homophobic. lots of Fujos don't like switches anyway, it's not the first time because as I said it's either image of het relationships or self insert.
I don't understand the surprise element. Homosexuality isn't a look.
Do you even see this comment section? It's full of straight women thirsting for gay men, lol
It's disturbing
Babe you need to educate yourself on homophobia. I personally am not a straight female, and I agree that a lot of fujoshis/fudanshis are problematic, especially when it comes to this topic (switching) but it's not homophobia. Switching is not something that only exists in homosexuality, sure it's rare in heterosexuality but not nonexistent. People have preferences, get over it.
I wish im just exaggerating ╮( ̄. ̄)╭
Straight people can't top or bottom bauabbaha. A man getting pegged by a woman isn't switching, don't steal terms from gays, thank you very much. Also the proper word here is verse, heterosexual sex can't have tops, bottoms or verses. Switch is more of a BDSM term so heterosexuals can be switch.
And don't call me pet names, I ain't your babe.
Ya, that what I was referring to as well.
"Twinks are better" shits hella weird.
A man being pegger *IS* literally switching. Me and my last boyfriend were like this, he never 'topped' and that's totally okay. What you're saying is way more problematic.
Go cry about it bby
You were never a top, and you'll never top with a man <33 hope it helps straggot!!! <33
Nice cope lol
I'm bi and you're disgusting
Half and half strikes again lmao