Sorry but I literally don't care about that nurse and fish. Its way too soon so I just skip it

LITERALLY bc why the fucckkkity mcfucker am I seeing more chapters on the second couple than the first couple like leave them for the end like other stories do or just make another story just for them or make the first couple an official couple before it starts to a second couple bc Idk about y'all butttttt I pressed on this story to read about fox and puppy not fish and cat or whatever he is also kind of a spoiler
Spoiler but I saw that in the raws the fish ends up gOING TO SCHOOL WITH FOX AND PUPPY.......... FIRST OF ALL how are the second couple gonna be a couple if one is a student and the others is an adult/nurse sorry but I hated that they made him into a student bc its gonna be weird he could have stayed at the nurses home and the nurse clearly likes him but he IS A STUDENTTTTTTTTTTTTT ewasrdtfyguinmkiuytrtextdcfghjuhgyt this IS SO AGRIVATING!!!!!!!(╯°Д °)╯

I understand that don't get me wrong but they could have made his age ATLEAST 20 and not as a teen bc now it looks like a full ass adult liking a high schooler yk what I mean. also btw I don't mind age gaps buttttttt I don't like adult X student and its clear assss mother freaking day that the nurse likes the kid.
Idk why I'm getting giddy over someone just say sorry ?? Like he's also a psycho.. anyways does anyone know when it's supposed to update ??