Yes, trauma doesn’t excuse both of their bad actions. I just don’t think Cirrus should’ve gotten hit after hit, especially from someone who’s a bff and basically family. That’s just my thought.
I just don’t believe that Cirrus’s scheme at be amusement park changed the trajectory of Sky’s life or anything. Skylar was going to see Chan and Ri together anyways since THEY were the ones who chose to date each other. And Chan was the one who went up to Cirrus first, and asked for who she was.
This is why Skylar GAVE Cirrus a chance to come clean. Cause he knows what Cirrus did with the scheme, didn’t change a big part of his life or anything like that. At most it hurt, but it would be okay and forgiven if he apologized right?
But Cirrus didn’t and explained he was afraid Skylar would leave him if he found out. This is why I say the timing is so wrong. Skylar felt like he didn’t trust him, and left angrily and RIGHTFULLY upset.
I don’t think Skylar meant to leave him, but Cirrus took it as that and went crazy next day. ALSO AUTHOR IMPLIED A HAPPY ENDING.

So MC ends up with a cute and sweet ML (the police guy who likes him and is cute, friendly).
After all of the fucking with criminals is crazy. So is he going to still fuck around as a cop when together with ML? This concerns me, cause he needs to stop and figure out ways to fight back, he got that body for no reason.
ML would be worried and really jealous. And it would be cheating if ML didn’t know (in some ways).

Why is Seo doing sex work again? Because he NEEDS the money or he enjoys SEX? Ngl I forgot.
I doubt it’s the latter cause if so, ugh. Just my opinion, but I only respect sex work if it’s a needed job—not an optional job. I see it as a last resort. It’s fine if my partner does sex work if needed, but if I know it’s for pleasure—nope, I won’t be able to last.
I see sex workers as hard working people who are trying to live. The industry is exploitative enough.
Also I’m still annoyed of Seo’s coworker trying to make MC jealous, it’s so weird. And Seo is chill about it. I feel that it was just overlooked or let it slide.
Also does Seo get hard when doing sex with coworkers? I mean he needs to.

I'm getting the same vibes as The Man At Night where the ML doesn't need to do sex work at all but they're doing it anyways. I do hope Seo clears up why he even needs to do it since it seems like hes only doing it because hes asked to? (its been a while since I've read this from the start so correct me if I'm wrong.)

Psst whatever, that doesn't make it any less icky.
We all know no one with actual self worth would stand their partner having sex with other people not out of necessity at an almost daily basis.
In manga that could work all you want, but in a real situation there's no way the porn actor would have a lackluster sex life with his partner after all that. Our bodies are not made to had that much intercourse. So stop romanticizing that life, it will never be something admirable or cute.

You sound insecure. Respecting sex workers right to do their literal job isn’t romanticizing anything. If you don’t want to date a sex worker, don’t. But don’t project your insecurity onto other people by assuming they lack self worth for loving someone that happens to do sex work. Natori got into this relationship fully knowing that Kyou was a sex worker and at no point has he ever told Natori that he would quit to be with him. You also clearly don’t understand sex work in general so idk why you’re trying to act like an authority on the subject.

Not everything has to be harem :). That’s just a lazy way of bringing everyone together ngl. But I can def recommend good actual harem BL picture stories or novels.
Learn to differentiate platonic versus romantic.
God forbid MC/Ukes in general have a good relationships with friends, without being shipped.
They do the bare minimum like being nice and just human interaction, and people already ship them. Like for example, a hot friend guy of MC is touchy and nice in friendly way, but people already root for him.
And I hope his vassals don’t like MC romantically, I’m tired of this trope. Why can’t they just be…friends or like family? BIG SIGH. It feels like MC is a father or older brother to them.
Also, this opinion is coming from someone who tends to stick to endgame, so take it with a grain of salt…

I notice how a lot of people just go goo goo Gaga over TJ building a house for Ian, and other means of comfort. And then blame Ian for not being “grateful”.
Did Ian ever ask him to do that? Why is it his fault he doesn’t reciprocate the way people want him to? It’s so pathetic. Using? As if TJ is gonna get ass for free, fuck outta here.
Oh yes, I’ll just go on my knees and lick your feet because you made me a house and gave me some attention, even though most was physical and you decided to not label our relation as I had hoped for. And I’ll just forget the sex made to do in the hotel room that I have trauma related to since I killed a subordinate. I’ll ignore the fact that I lost a chance to do my dream career. You took the opportunity to fuck me during vulnerable times, especially after being raped. People thought that was cute of him, and how he comforted me. I agree! Oh, he said no to my refusal, I declined to have sex again and coerced. But that’s fine! You tied me down with money? I’ll take it!
—That’s how yall sound.
TJ has his struggles, but it’s hard to feel sorry when he put himself in that situation and leaving his foster parents who were good to him. A chance to have a family, he ran away from it. And meanwhile Ian, he wants family and since then, clung to TJ.
Seriously? TJ has everyone d riding him. And some Jo d riders, acting like he didn’t SA either. Fuuuk u all.
He’s hot I agree. But damn, let’s not with the Ian hate train. We all know he’s a vulnerable person, and so is TJ. But we also know Ian isn’t the one taking advantage of vulnerability. And I don’t really give a damn who ends up with who, if all characters can gain happiness in some ways—I’ll take it.

Author just inconsistent or loves making bipolar MLs. Cause ML was being unforgiving to that scheming dude (ML’s ex fiancé) because he almost had MC raped, but then just cause he hears that dude cut his own wrist and isn’t feeling well, he’s concerned and literally says:
Even though it’s a transaction, he’s gone through a lot for the baby. (LIKE WHAT??? And when did he and the fiancé fuck?? I’m so confused. He also told MC that it’s not what he thinks when ML told MC that he has to go for the baby and that scheming dude).
And then ML also walked past MC while guiding the fake ass bitch to the room, bro wtf?? Is he bipolar? Ugly skank! And then he doesn’t give a shit that the scheming rat asked MC to give milk, ML should know damn well that scheming rat hates MC and is the same guy who tried to make others rape MC.
ML also tells MC to have mercy on that scheming rat, and how he has depression so be less insensitive. LIKE BITCH IM FONBA SKILL YOU ALIVE
If he kills MC’s daughter and family, he’s beyond irredeemable.