This was to be expected. Seongrok clearly has been a possessive dude, and he’s NOT a stable dude if he can kill someone without much guilt. Sure he killed someone for good reasons, but still that just shows he can do anything else without thinking through.
And did we all forget that Seongrok has SA’ed Je-oh in the car? I forgot the chapter but it was in the 30s range, even if it might’ve been subtle it still is SA. So I kinda expected Seongrok to rape Je-oh out of jealousy after seeing him with the blue head.
So for my sanity and his own good, I hope Je-oh doesn’t get too close to the blue head. And I know everyone thinks Je-oh knows what he is doing, that isn’t untrue, but a lot of things can unexpectedly happen. And I don’t trust that blue head one bit!

Someone put these in the comment section and my thoughts: I JUST HOPE JE OH DOES NOT LET THE BLUE HEAD TOUCH HIM OR GOES CLOSE TO HIM. He needs to set some boundaries, I think he’s trying to, but he’s gotta be more pushy cause he seems to just give in and let it slide. Otherwise we will be seeing a lot of jealous Seongrok and I’m not about that.
“From Chap75 onward, Jeoh and Seongrok gets into a heated argument, where it’s more like Jeoh is angry and frustrated that Seongrok doesn’t seem to have any faith in him being able to handle the new guy. Seongrok begs and pleads and continuously say how sorry he is, but Jeoh walks out.
Chap76, the new guy (blue head) picks up the guy that raped Jeoh from a couple of chapters ago and beat him, I don’t know what his motive is, probably trying to win Jeoh’s favor and the new escort that works under Jeoh begins working at the new guy’s hotel.
Chap77 we see Seongrok meeting up with that detective that is trying to catch Heeseong, probably agreeing to make a deal with him. Heeseong makes her appearance again, this time she gets told that some handsome guy is here to see her, she’s runs opening the door thinking it’s Seongrok and yelling his name only to be greeted by Jeoh who tells her don’t say his man’s name so casually, it’s not polite.
Chap78 Jeoh and Heeseong are going at it, basically Jeoh basically letting her know that just cause you put makeup on pig doesn’t make it anything but a pig. He also knows how to get under her skin letting her know how good Seongrok gives it to him and what she’s missing out. He leaves her shaken and out her damn mind by slipping her some cash thanking her for her time reminding her of where she comes from, cut to revealing that he took her phone and plan on cloning it with the help of the cutie escort that now works at the new guy’s hotel.”

Unless TJ leaves the gang somehow, he can’t be endgame. It won’t be realistic if he leaves immediately but it’s still realistic to leave a gang, he just has to prepare for that. But he’s preparing to continue being in the gang in a higher position.
He’s not thinking about what Ian wants. And anyone who believes he’s thinking about Ian, idk what you’re reading, but what he’s doing is not what Ian wants. Being in the gang as a leader just makes it more risky and less protection guaranteed. People act like TJ becoming a leader is gonna protect, no, some of y’all clearly don’t know the extent of how people can be in gangs. Some do not give a shit about who’s in charge.
This story wouldn’t be a story if Ian wanted to stay in the gang world. I can’t believe some people actually believe that Ian is deluding himself into thinking he wants a normal life. How is he deluding? WHO WOULDN’T WANT A NORMAL LIFE?
Ian clearly IN HIS WORDS said: “I’ve never wanted any of this from the beginning” (gang life). Just say that you want TJ as endgame regardless of how Ian feels, none of y’all care about Ian.

I saw many people leaving hate comments on Wooyeon just because he tried to interfere. If your beloved one was being raped, would you just stand by? Yeah I bet the fuck not or you’re just a sicko who’s useless, a bystander is all you are.
Wooyeon may have come off dumb but he’s not. He may have dragged himself into the mess, but he is aware of it and is not blaming Geom for it. He’s self aware. He’s not stupid for helping!
It’s crazy that anyone thinks Wooyeon is stupid for interfering. Womp Womp that’s how the story will move and gets the ML involved too. People act like Geom is completely capable of handling this alone, but they don’t read properly.
If you read, you would know that Geom has always wanted someone to be there to him, someone to be by his side, they don’t have to be powerful. He wanted someone to take him away, his own words, and be free. I believe it was CH 39 or 37.
So yes, Wooyeon did the right thing and smart decision by interfering!

“I’m the one who knows you best.” All Skylar needed to hear was Cirrus talk about Candy, in a worn and exhausted voice, and everything came into perfect clarity for him. He knows Cirrus better than anyone. And trusts him. This is a face of peace. #litc #Lostinthecloud VIA TWITTER
I don’t like him even more now. Doyeon (brown) hitting on someone who’s not reciprocating is already bad enough, but after finding out Yiyoung (blonde) has someone he’s seeing, Doyeon still continues.
And Yiyoung needs to set boundaries. Him realizing isn’t enough. This is why I think Mr Kang isn’t the only one creating issues, this is something realistic on Kang’s part, he has insecurities and someone lacks boundaries.
I get that it’s for drama though.
It ain't that deep. Its all new to Yiyoung. Like all relationships have moments like this, it's normal. The rich guy is just acting in typical rich guy fashion, (also yiyoung looked sad so he look him out) plus it's someone the director knows soo the dynamics are a bit more relaxed
It may be deep to the person in the relationship. And that’s also why I’m saying this is realistic. Of course the rich guy is acting like a fool, but knowingly hitting on someone who’s taken is too far. And Yiyoung will need to draw a line. If only the rich guy took him out as friends, but no, he is trying to hit on him.
I hope nobody is trying to excuse what the brown haired dude is doing. I don’t know how hitting on someone taken isn’t disgusting.
Just because the director knows him doesn’t mean it’s okay. Even Yiyoung isn’t comfortable with what the brown head is doing. And the director doesn’t like the brown hair getting too close/hitting on his boyfriend.
So yeah they gotta draw boundaries.
And the “it’s all new to Yiyoung”, what do you mean?
Just because he may be inexperienced owner mean he doesn’t know to set boundaries. Setting boundaries isn’t just for romantic relationships. And he’s not a child.
And not all relationships have moments where they don’t set boundaries, unless you’re talking about the argument between Kang and Yiyoung—I agree. But this relationship and moments are realistic.
Also sorry if I sound harsh or loser lol
No one is excusing it. And he was just lonely so he went along. Also calling it disgusting is a stretch, they all hung out before so it isn't some stranger, plus they hit it off (like they vibed at the bar) plus bro was like 0 male friends. And anyway he isn't cheating or is even close to it.. so what's the issue? Haha. he just had a very heavy conversation with his bf too
Nahh just feel like you might be projecting a bit haha no offence
I’m not. How am I projecting?
The issue is the not setting boundaries despite knowing the other likes him/hitting on him.
It is disgusting to hit on someone who’s taken and you know they’re taken.
U sound like u did this to your lover so you can’t see the issue, projecting much??…
Everyone knows the MC went along because he was a bit lonely, idk why you brought that up. clearly you can’t see the issue despite the either person telling u. It all goes past your head.
Idk what part of “hitting on someone who you know is taken” is not bad..it can be disgusting to some, you don’t get to dictate how others feel about that and even the blondie said he thinks this is’nt right.
They’re projecting their projection onto you
I’m just saying that to me it’s disgusting that one can easily hit on someone who has literally told you that they are taken!! It’s objectively weird to actually hit on someone who’s taken, nobody would be happy if their man or woman was hit on despite you wanting boundaries. They don’t even care that Yiyoung looked uncomfortable during the moments where brown hair dude flirted.
I don’t know how I am projecting for saying that there can be two relationships, not everyone is gonna be healthy. This is objectively a true thing in reality, sorry.
Every relationship will have its ups and downs. It’s not gonna be perfect.
Nobody argue here. We can agree to disagree except saying that hitting on someone taken is okay, no issues.
Agree, he sat in that car. The moment the brown hair dude said "they're not here" the person who Yiyoung is seeing and brown hair dude just laughs. That's the moment you get off the car.
The "he went along with it because he was a bit lonely" sounds cheating to me HAHAHAHA
Right. I don’t see how that isn’t wrong.
Lmaoo he’s a bit naive.
Sorry I just said projecting cause you sounded very heated up by this. Didn't mean to offend you (=・ω・=)
I’m sorry, I didn’t know explaining and literally agreeing with some of your points about it being realistic is me projecting. And if someone is heated up, that doesn’t mean it’s projection. Thank you for explaining the truth!