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ChickenButt September 7, 2024 10:11 am

There are two victims of their environment that hurt each other. Skylar has been betrayed by his closest friend, Minwoo, in the past. And he went as far as to attempting suicide, and he was also sexually assaulted and lied to by his friend. His friend had schemed a plan, having another guy kiss Skylar, with Skylar believing it was his friend. If I’m not wrong, word went around in school.

Skylar struggles with anxiety and anger issues, as well as depression based off what I remember and saw during S1. Everyone has depression here.

Cirrus, the only child, comes from an abusive family, a father that blamed him for the loss of his wife, meanwhile ignoring the cries of his own child that lost a mother. And he has a stepmother that manipulated him, and all adults around Cirrus has failed him (including his pedophile teacher). At the same time, despite his tough exterior, he’s afraid to be abandoned and failed by his loved ones again.

He sought for control by manipulating, that’s all he’s ever known. As Skylar said in the raws, “How can you love when you’ve grown up without it?”

—While I don’t fully agree, it makes sense in a way because we can see Cirrus struggling with love and finding it hard to manage his feelings, his insecurities.

I don’t believe that abused children aren’t capable of love, they are, in fact many of them grow up like an emotional sponge. No matter the emotional abuse or physical, they’ll try to hold onto who they have left.

In the raws, Skylar confronted Cirrus with his lies and gave Cirrus a chance to explain himself, and also come clear. But did Cirrus? No. Is this all Cirrus’s fault? No.

Did Skylar say hurtful words? Yes. Did he mean it? Anyone who KNOWS and READ the story, will know Skylar didn’t mean what he said. He has a habit of saying hurtful stuff, but he always regrets it.

Did Skylar react too much? NO. He reacted quite as expected, especially when you are betrayed again. I know the current Cirrus (with development) hasn’t done that in present day, but it is merely:

“Consequences will catch up to you one day.”

While Cirrus had apologized for everything and we shouldn’t hold a grudge when Skylar has accepted his apology, there are some stuff that Cirrus didn’t directly mention. So I am GLAD this happened, the truth came to light and I can rest in peace somewhat.

“You to me, the more precious you became, the less courage I had to tell you. I’m so happy with my ordinary life with you. Even though I knew it was wrong, I’m afraid you’d leave me. I’m so scared.” —Cirrus

This just proves that Cirrus is afraid of Skylar leaving him. He made a mistake in continuously hiding it, but he had a reason even if not justifiable, his own trauma being his speaker. Unlike other toxic characters, these two actually have redeeming qualities, and a chance to be better people in the near future. I love Skylar, I love Cirrus.

Forever a SKYRUS fan.


A. I wonder what Chan-il said specifically to Skylar, about him being introduced to Ri-in. Did he word it as if Cirrus schemed to introduce them together? Or did Chan-il tell Skylar that he was the one who asked Cirrus to introduce Ri-in to him?

Remember, Chan-il was the one who asked Cirrus to be introduced to Ri-in and had asked Cirrus if he knew her. I don’t believe that Chan-il would purposefully scheme anything against Cirrus though.

B. Is Skylar more mad that Cirrus continued to lie after being confronted, or more mad that Cirrus had purposefully made Skylar see Chan and Ri-in together at the amusement park?

    kerosi September 7, 2024 6:29 pm

    YOU'RE SO RIGHT. thank you so much for saying all this because so many people are misunderstanding both of them...

    ChickenButt September 7, 2024 7:52 pm
    YOU'RE SO RIGHT. thank you so much for saying all this because so many people are misunderstanding both of them... kerosi

    Right. Nobody is the evil here.

    Kim September 7, 2024 9:43 pm

    I cried so hard at the mention of " How can you love when you've grown up without it" and cirrus replying "Do you really think that?" considering cirrus had a rather traumatic childhood where he wasn't given love after his mothers demise. All he had was candy and skylar saying that to him must hurt him bad ughh I cried ugly as I empathize. I know skylar might've said that out of spite or anger or whatever but man can't they'll just be happy PLEASEEEEE! Also I hope chan-il doesn't tell skylar in a way that cirrus was setting him up with ri-in (psps chan-il don't be a menace)as he was the one asking cirrus to introduce first, but what shouldn't be forgotten was the fact during that time cirrus did took his chances that by introducing ri-in to chan-il he'd have the hope of getting skylar's attention.. anyways I hope we get a happy ending or at least everyone healed of their trauma

    ChickenButt September 8, 2024 12:15 am
    I cried so hard at the mention of " How can you love when you've grown up without it" and cirrus replying "Do you really think that?" considering cirrus had a rather traumatic childhood where he wasn't given lo... Kim

    I feel like Chan-il did say it in a way as if Cirrus planned the whole introducing them. Cirrus has no control over them being together, just the part where he had made Skylar watch and cry over his “crush” being with his soon to be girlfriend, was def messed up.

    This is why I give the side eye when some say Skylar did NOTHING wrong. I’m sure he did something wrong, saying hurtful words, as I mentioned in my post.

    But that isn’t the same cirrus anymore. He has developed and it’s only his consequences catching up to him. I do hope for a good happy ending too! It’s heartbreaking right now, I can’t handle it too much.

ChickenButt September 6, 2024 6:47 pm

Anyone defending Sky after the latest ch and acting like he did nothing wrong…something is wrong.

Y’all cannot keep defending Skylar. This isn’t the first time he has said hurtful stuff. This is literally emotional abuse in a relationship. You all have to remember the scene where Cirrus opened up for the first time, FIRST TIME EVER. Sky was his first, in almost everything.

His family hurt him, abused him. The pedo teacher failed him as an adult. Sky knows about those, even if not specifically, not all victims will talk in details, he knew.

Yeah Cirrus is also in wrong, but let’s not act like Sky did NOTHING wrong. He literally said: How can you love when you grew up without it?

He was referring to the trauma Cirrus literally opened up to him about. So let’s not act like he didn’t just use Cirrus’s past against him.

What Sky said is rude and disgusting. Period.
I’m not saying he’s not redeemable, but y’all have to stop babying him. He’s not an infant, and yes teens can actually learn from their mistakes.

Some people literally defended Sky, and said he did nothing wrong. Oh my gosh, but y’all were going cuckoo when Cirrus unintentionally triggered Sky’s trauma during the hallway incident. But when Sky brought up Cirrus’s trauma here, the reaction is different.

The story is ending soon, maybe we have a few more chapters, I hope they make up somehow since it’s fiction and we can get whatever we want in fiction. Both idiots were in the wrong here.

ChickenButt's questions ( All 15 )

ChickenButt August 31, 2024 11:13 pm

That enjoys cheating/NTR bl in one shots/porn-like stories but not ones with story/plot to it?

    fujo.senpai August 31, 2024 11:18 pm

    SAME LMFAO. tbh usually the sex is way more exciting that way. unfortunately, my heart can’t take it if there’s an actual plot going on. i’m just here for the good sex, but i dont want to know how fucked up it actually is lmao

    PatatoGuy August 31, 2024 11:27 pm

    No I do too, to an extent tho. I hate it when I read something and get invested in a couple only to be met with cheating or people kissing/sleeping with others. However, if I go in knowing of it ahead of time, I can go in with less expectations, and enjoy it without disappointment of the couple. So I absolutely detest cheating but if I’m told ahead of time, I maybe can accept it. It also just depends on if it’s just smut or if there is actually tension and plot.

    ChickenButt August 31, 2024 11:36 pm
    SAME LMFAO. tbh usually the sex is way more exciting that way. unfortunately, my heart can’t take it if there’s an actual plot going on. i’m just here for the good sex, but i dont want to know how fucked ... fujo.senpai

    Me currently reading a terrible romance (at least the uke was remorseful and guilty here, plus mentally ill reasoning, even if not justified). As for a form of broken love, that uke there…barf

    ChickenButt August 31, 2024 11:39 pm
    No I do too, to an extent tho. I hate it when I read something and get invested in a couple only to be met with cheating or people kissing/sleeping with others. However, if I go in knowing of it ahead of time, ... PatatoGuy

    Literally. This is prob main reason why I dislike third party rivals when the MC and ML are already together, ugh.

    As for porn-like stories, it’s just …mindless. Well, I still feel a bit disgusted of some stuff in some porn-like stories like Impotent Ex-Host Playboy Imprisoned for 7 days by a Pervert. But I focus more on getting myself off lmao, since it’s just no brainer type of story.

    ML and uke does a play (non con on uke side but ml does cuckolding, makes uke be fucked by his butler. Ch 3 and uke doesn’t fight back, and says weird shit in monologue. But it’s good fap material. MINDLESS)

    ChickenButt August 31, 2024 11:41 pm
    No I do too, to an extent tho. I hate it when I read something and get invested in a couple only to be met with cheating or people kissing/sleeping with others. However, if I go in knowing of it ahead of time, ... PatatoGuy

    You’ll hate ch 3 of Impotent Ex-Host Playboy Imprisoned for 7 days by a Pervert.

    Cause the MC and ML aren’t really a couple but the ML makes MC get fucked by his butler, ML wanted to be cuckolded. It was one sided consent.


    sun September 1, 2024 12:27 am

    omg it's my guilty pleasure, "up & down" was one i liked

ChickenButt August 28, 2024 11:07 pm

It’s a weird manga yaoi. Basically the MC (uke) searches for work that pays good. He finds a suspiciously high paying job. But he does it anyways. Mind you, he has a boyfriend apparently.

I faintly remember the title being something like hamadera or yamadera or something, I don’t know at all.

MC goes to the old man’s home and they do the deed after the man coerced him. It’s a very porn-like story, nothing serious. MC seems to enjoy it, but also disgusted by what he did and doesn’t want his bf to find out. He needed the money.

Then they do it again. Later, the old man has his bf come and see, and MC’s classmates join in and fuck MC. The Bf is upset but also fucks MC, and watched other fuck MC.

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