I love how this story always give away many postive vibe to me , many say they hate A and yu plot but I like it , well they are not blood related so everythings fine and you stated he developed his feelings for him after he grew up , when A was a highschool and not a baby kid. Yun and Feng story is good too and other ship are my fav too. I want more chapters and even want to see how big head and rourou look like when they grow up.
not only is this incredibly ignorant and disrespectful (because adopted members of your family are still from your family), but they also grew up together
i tomorrow you learned your sibling wasn't blood-related to you, would you think it's "fine" for you to develop a crush on them ?
tHeY'rE nOt bLoOd rElAtEd sO eVeRyThInG's fInE not only is this incredibly ignorant and disrespectful (because adopted members of your family are still from your family), but they also grew up togetheri tomorro... MJHE
Well my uncle and aunt were blood related, and still they got married, why do you think now. Both of them knew they were cousin too. And Yu already knew A is not his sibling right. It's not like he did any sexual to A when he was a kid. If you see there's many manga with like this where they lived together with each other since childhood and still fall in love. And for your last part , I won't develop a crush on my siblings even if I knew they weren't blood related. Why ? Cause they don't have that qualifications and looks to be my type. Don't get so sentimental over a fiction story , if you look towards the real world it will be way much too for you
Well my uncle and aunt were blood related, and still they got married, why do you think now. Both of them knew they were cousin too. And Yu already knew A is not his sibling right. It's not like he did any sexu... Dee@
your aunt and uncle were fucking weird too ! and so are you ! the fact that the only reason you wouldn't develop a crush on your sibling if you found out that you weren't blood-related is because they aren't your type tells me everything i need to know about you.
they grew up calling each other brothers, *their* parents call them both their sons, they grew up together, the fact that they're not blood-related as actual brothers doesn't mean shit
and fun fact: just because many mangas have incest as part of their plot doesn't make it right in any way, shape or form ! many mangas have rape, is rape okay ? many mangas have chracters saying slurs, being racist, being misogynistic, being homophobic, is that okay too ? mamy mangas have pedophilia in it, is that suddenly okay to you too ?
and don't even give me started on that iT's oNlY fIcTiOn bullshit. just because it's fictional doesn't mean i don't have the right to be angry about it ! are lolis and shotas okay because they're fictional too ? no, because that's fucking pedophilia, and this is incest. get right in your head
your aunt and uncle were fucking weird too ! and so are you ! the fact that the only reason you wouldn't develop a crush on your sibling if you found out that you weren't blood-related is because they aren't yo... MJHE
Well unlike you , I keep reality and fiction seperated. And about my uncle and aunt it's totally normal and this happens in many countries and places too. If you say these things in front of you , they'll think you are the weird one. Cause it's their life to choose who do they want to be with not you. If you look into history, you will be shocked. All the manga I read is for fun and entertainment, not like making them feel real. I know what's right or wrong, and from what I see Yu and A relationship is pretty good to me . Yu is a good person and he even tried to keep his distance from A , but still couldn't ignore his feelings. He just didn't jump on him the first he knew he like him . I hate incest they there forcing but not if it's mutual. If the two party is okay with it then that's good right, what's that got to do with the third party any right to say it's weird and other bullshit. If you walk around saying such of these things in front these people, they might feel uncomfortable or insecure or they might just beat you. If you want to be angry then be but don't around telling around, oh I am so angry , they are so weird , like it's happening to me ! If you can't handle these type of manga just quit them , it will be good for your mental state.
Well unlike you , I keep reality and fiction seperated. And about my uncle and aunt it's totally normal and this happens in many countries and places too. If you say these things in front of you , they'll think... Dee@
I stand by every single thing I said, even more so after this bs of a reply
Nice story , but my favourite part was the last plot of ch 49 . All of them were beside MC , sleeping on the floor waiting for him to wake up for just so cute.
I love how this story always give away many postive vibe to me , many say they hate A and yu plot but I like it , well they are not blood related so everythings fine and you stated he developed his feelings for him after he grew up , when A was a highschool and not a baby kid. Yun and Feng story is good too and other ship are my fav too. I want more chapters and even want to see how big head and rourou look like when they grow up.
tHeY'rE nOt bLoOd rElAtEd sO eVeRyThInG's fInE
not only is this incredibly ignorant and disrespectful (because adopted members of your family are still from your family), but they also grew up together
i tomorrow you learned your sibling wasn't blood-related to you, would you think it's "fine" for you to develop a crush on them ?
Well my uncle and aunt were blood related, and still they got married, why do you think now. Both of them knew they were cousin too. And Yu already knew A is not his sibling right. It's not like he did any sexual to A when he was a kid. If you see there's many manga with like this where they lived together with each other since childhood and still fall in love.
And for your last part , I won't develop a crush on my siblings even if I knew they weren't blood related. Why ? Cause they don't have that qualifications and looks to be my type.
Don't get so sentimental over a fiction story , if you look towards the real world it will be way much too for you
your aunt and uncle were fucking weird too ! and so are you ! the fact that the only reason you wouldn't develop a crush on your sibling if you found out that you weren't blood-related is because they aren't your type tells me everything i need to know about you.
they grew up calling each other brothers, *their* parents call them both their sons, they grew up together, the fact that they're not blood-related as actual brothers doesn't mean shit
and fun fact: just because many mangas have incest as part of their plot doesn't make it right in any way, shape or form ! many mangas have rape, is rape okay ? many mangas have chracters saying slurs, being racist, being misogynistic, being homophobic, is that okay too ? mamy mangas have pedophilia in it, is that suddenly okay to you too ?
and don't even give me started on that iT's oNlY fIcTiOn bullshit. just because it's fictional doesn't mean i don't have the right to be angry about it ! are lolis and shotas okay because they're fictional too ? no, because that's fucking pedophilia, and this is incest. get right in your head
Well unlike you , I keep reality and fiction seperated. And about my uncle and aunt it's totally normal and this happens in many countries and places too. If you say these things in front of you , they'll think you are the weird one. Cause it's their life to choose who do they want to be with not you. If you look into history, you will be shocked. All the manga I read is for fun and entertainment, not like making them feel real. I know what's right or wrong, and from what I see Yu and A relationship is pretty good to me . Yu is a good person and he even tried to keep his distance from A , but still couldn't ignore his feelings. He just didn't jump on him the first he knew he like him . I hate incest they there forcing but not if it's mutual. If the two party is okay with it then that's good right, what's that got to do with the third party any right to say it's weird and other bullshit. If you walk around saying such of these things in front these people, they might feel uncomfortable or insecure or they might just beat you. If you want to be angry then be but don't around telling around, oh I am so angry , they are so weird , like it's happening to me ! If you can't handle these type of manga just quit them , it will be good for your mental state.
I stand by every single thing I said, even more so after this bs of a reply
Great you keep your opinion to yourself and I'll keep to mine.