Don't know why but I really wanna smack ML , Youngwon, face even if it's just once
Nice story
Honestly, the ml is very annoying
The story is so cute , I love it . Also I just want to mention this, Keaton is not that short, is he still 7 cm taller than me and still so cute
lol me too!! When I saw his height it made me question everything because he’s much taller than me
Right , Keaton is just surrounded by tall peoples.
I want the ml to pay for the damage he has done to mc , before they get together
No I need more chapters!!!
I loved this and I also got to read all chapter till the end
His sister....
I am pulling my hairs what's up with this confusion.
Don't know why but I really wanna smack ML , Youngwon, face even if it's just once