ive changed as a person since i was last here. so many yaoi books romanticise rape by using methods like "you enjoyed it" or "if you hate it why are you hard" and its disgusting. i used to read this and i saw no issue in it, but after almost a year away from this area, i see how fucked up it is. rape is rape. if theyre drunk, incapacitated, or unable to consent in any way, its rape. if theyre hard, its rape. if they say "wait, stop, dont, no" its rape. i cant believe i used to read this kind of stuff, and i hope all you who still do realise what i did.

once again another yaoi book has romanticised rape because "he enjoyed it". he was drunk and unable to consent, and said no multiple times. its not cute, its terrible.
Some of y'all throw the word "rape" carelessly , just cause he didn't articulate the words "fuck me" doesn't mean he didn't want it, I'm sorry do you have amnesia about the chapters jooin was having sex dreams about yahwi or you gonna pretend to , plus rape usually consist of implicating violence and manhanding the victim just leave the word to those that know better . So we can conclude he really really wanted yahwi to be all over him , though I can't lie the part about jooin being drunk bugs me
it doesnt matter if he "wanted it". he was drunk, therefore unable to consent. im not just throwing the word rape around. by legal and moral definition, it was 100% rape. and he didnt articulate "fuck me" at all. in fact, he said "wait, no, stop" which even when sober, is the opposite of consent. it was rape and because rape is so romanticised in yaoi its going to be ignored and treated as a cute first sex scene.
and rape doesnt mean violent sex. its unconsensual sex. you can be raped and come out almost completely unharmed physically. its about the mentality of it too.
That was fast. Rape means being handled roughly and forced to have sex fyi and in that scene there was non of that jooin even asked him to do something about how horny he felt , and consent does not have to be said , so in way of saying rape he more of gave him a hand lol and we all know that even couples have non consensual sex sometimes its about going with the flow so it better not to mix it up with rape. Also, i don't think the author is romanticizing consent or rape I think she was more implying that first times between two people are sometimes messy i think especially in a same sex couple.
You must either be a minor or just plain dumb, rape doesn't have to be violent and whoever told you that is a fuckin idiot. If someone does NOT consent, it's considered rape, if someone is drunk, it's considered rape, wtf is not clicking for you? And guess what? Someone in a relationship not wanting to have sex with their partner is rape as well.
You obviously dont know what rape is even after it was just explained to you. Also fyi, WANTING sex (even though Jooin begged Yahwi to stop) is not the same as being able to CONSENT to sex. If a twelve year old wants to be fucked by an adult it doesn't make it legal, just like if someone high out of their mind wants to be fucked it doesnt make it legal.
Anyways, next caller!!!!!
If corse it has to involve violence did you ever heard of someone gently raping someone and I'm neither a minor nor someone like yourself who doesn't know how to state an opinion without being disrespectful you should learn that on top of differentiating abuse and consensual sex
Just to be clear we were talking about how she/he said it was rape cause he didn't consent out loud , which is wrong my point was not every non consensual sex is rape , sometimes it happened and it's not rape like in this case jooin was too drunk to say it so if I take her point of view clearly every two people who are having sex drunk and didn't say yes do me they have to be technically raping each other right you guys are real smartass asses you 're to eager to make it a rape without even providing the right arguments for it
Bruh some of you guys are ignorant on this website I SWEAR. Have you not read any REAL rape stories where the victim is raped by someone close to them? Rape CAN be gentle IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE FORCEFUL. Crack is a hell of a drug cause you need help if you think drunk sex is consensual sex in anyway, take you own advice and actually learn what rape is.
No one knows ignorance than the one blurting it , get the point I'm not talking about every case of rape out there . we were talking about this in particular , I said there was no forceful sexual intercourse so he did not rape him that's my point so stop making it a court case drama with your consent /non consent nonsense
I mean, you started this bs by spouting nonsense but go off I guess. I'll state my position once again, the mc was raped because he did not consent, period point blank. And maybe if you didn't want comments like this you should've just kept that stupid ass comment to yourself instead of acting like you know what rape is, simple.
No one shared the comment with your rudeass in the first place so you should have probably kept your shitty ass personality to yourself too , I bet no one who knows you can stand you .Guess everyone has something they need to work on starting from you , have a nice day
I'm not talking about verbal consent. I'm talking about how they are UNABLE to consent. Once someone is drunk to that extent they are not in the right mind to say yes or no anymore to sexual favors and thus whoever is the caretaker has a responsibility to not assault them. Jooin was so fucked up he couldnt even walk properly, he could not differentiate fiction from reality. Yahwi took advantage of that and raped him. In this case it was OBVIOUS than Jooin wasnt capable of making conscious choices. He even did ask Yahwi to stop on multiple occasions, Yawhi went on. It was rape.
What???? I can stand Mya because they arent a rape enabler :) dont talk about someone you dont know anything about like that. I guess they hit a nerve
God what a drama queen no is enabling anything it's a fictional work get over yourself
Omg thank you queen/king, honestly their words don't bother me cause I'm actually very loved! It just frustrates me when people come on here uneducated about certain things and act like their say is correct like? No, rape is non consensual sex, no matter what the situation is.
yawhi or whatever his name is wasnt drunk, only jooin (i cant remember their names, im coming down from a high rn) was so therefore no consent was given. and the fact that im kinda high rn is an amazing example because if i wanted to have sex with my fictional boyfriend (im so single ;-;) it would be ideal that he would refuse because weed is a mind altering drug, like alcohol, which inhibits your ability to make rational decisions. its simple. oh and its also the fucking law that both parties have to be sober and consensual for it to be rape. idk how this is so hard for you to understand.
also i am a minor and i can understand this better than you. here is the official definition of rape, according to mirriam-webster, "unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will *or* with a person who is beneath a certain age *or* incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception". note that jooin falls under two of those categories; intoxication and unconsiousness. dictionary. definition.
Yeah it's sucks because I have expectations for this
Narcissist much , I love how you searching any support you can get after being the one who was disrespectful and swearing all over with no reason what a hypocrite , trying to be a social justice worker about a manhwa story line what what a hero , I hope it makes feel better about yourself
And you who is being sneaky reading comment which was not addressed to you , you just love to lurk on the side just waiting to be dramatic if you are so morally correct "online" and woke why are you still reading the manhwa if you are so triggered buy the non existent rape I a smell another hypocrite .
I'm sorry I might have went off and said some insensitive things , I did not think you're a minor but you need to cut off on vaping cause it most likely killing your brain cells you do know latest studies shown marijuana smoking lowers IQ and alot of brain function like memory and concentration especially for people under 25 , it lowers brain development. Anyway sorry if I was rude , you just triggered me was when you started swearing and bad mouthing someone you don't know and I'm not even the stoner here , someone can't have normal conversation without being bullied even on a freaking manga site .