Basically: I don't like omegaverse and i liked this, idk tell me your opinion, recomend me more mangas like this
I wasn't expecting it to be this good. The moment i noticed it was an omegaverse i felt like dropping it right away (because i just dislike everything about the common omegaverse tropes) but this was great. The divergence of the tradicional omegaverse where the omegas are basically "alpha's sluts" without a brain or social presence to a "new society" where everyone has the same rights was the thing that made me stay, and the merge to the "red string of fate" trope made this manga an A-S tier. The comedy aspect is on point, there's no rapey/non-con scenes, the misunderstandings are just right, the spicy scenes are well drawn, the expressionsss...! , i loved it, it is now one of my favorite bl mangas. 10/10 would recommend if you don't like omegaverse.
also omg a alpha that has self control?? that's a first (☉∆☉)!
I fucking hate it when the whole manga is about bitting the fricking neck and the omega becoming submissive URGHH BORING or his only life purposes being having a kid and 0 personality HA! (1) honestly i loved these two and the way they look appropriate to their age and there's no creepy huge age difference, oh and the fact that the omega does YES IN FACT look like a MAN as he SHOULD not like the weird other omegaverse mangas (2), Jesus Christ...
I'm definitely checking out this author's other works
(1) (honestly this part is just my completely honest opinion bc as i said before i don't like the omegaverse tropes, y'all might like it)
(2) (I'm not saying that a man can't look fem, it's just, if you've read even a relatively small amount of omegaverse manga you know what I'm talking about)
If you read all of this woah damn thanks??? for the patience???
feel free to share your opinion on what i just wrote, agree with me or disagree, i like to understand other people's points of view, and as i said in the beginning, if you know any other manga like this please let me know :)))
Have a nice day! :DD
And go drink some water!! (you probably need it after reading all that :'')) )

i really don't like the MCs relationship, hyun choi (ig that's his name) is really dependent and jealous and well y'all can se that perfectly throughout the comic, he's pretty toxic, they're always fighting for random stuff and misunderstandings are a common thing, idk, i just don't feel good about it at all, what do you think?

i don’t think it’s too healthy either. like the foundation of their relationship isn’t stable enough. hyun is definitely more obsessed and dedicated to MC, and it feels like the MC kinda got roped into hyuns antics. they love each other of course but the MC is more reserved doesn’t understand hyuns point of view bc they’re so different. idk how to feel about it lol

i agree that it's not a great foundation for a rs with one being too dependent but i think i would only feel that way if this relationship was irl. i think ultimately it doesn't bother me bc it's in a fictional setting and therefore, i feel like the author just exaggerated the dynamics of the relationship just for dramatic (and sometimes comedic) purposes. i think the author does try to balance his character out by having him have some self-aware and apologetic moments, but it's still overshadowed by the dependent part of his personality (=・ω・=)

Not really liking Hyun's character either, I understand that the purpose is to make him act and appear as cute but.... Well, I find him quite annoying and childish (my opinion, don't get angry at me haha)
The thing is it's always the same thing; him throwing tantrums, being jealous and exaggeratedly putting Youngjoon first etc. I mean I get it, they're a couple and I even found their dynamic good at first, but... It's getting a bit irritating imo
Anyways, I agree with you guys opinion!

Yes, I'm just gonna say it, this is a fucking masterpiece, from the color, to the characters background and development, to the plot itself (even tho it's a lil cliché, but everyone loves a good cliché anyways haha).
If you are hesitant in reading it, just do it, you won't regret it.
Definitely one of my favorite webtoons (if not THE favorite)
Feel free to share your opinion!
the only thing on my mind on those last panels:
*read in Steve Harvey's voice*