Has anyone else noticed that in the first chapter, when Hanako is introducing himself, he tells Yashiro that he will grant any one wish in exchange for something precious? And the being that Tsukasa traded his life with also tells those who can hear him... "Shall I grant a wish for you?"
Hanako-kun... What are you trying to achieve?

No, no! That would maker the enitre plot lack sense! I'm saying, it seems like Hanako is trying to lure the real villain to him... or maybe it's his way of reminding himself of what happened to his own brother? He DID tell Yashiro that it was safer to use the human's harmless ways to grant wishes when Yashiro wished for "love". So maybe Hanako knew about Tsukasa's imposter before their deaths and somehow got wind of the deal (imposter)XTsukasa made? Then again, couldn't it have been AFTER their deaths...? Hanako mentioned having a conversation with a "God" once... Could that God have let him in on the secret? Is that why the God made him the most powerful of the 7 school mysteries? To get rid of the imposter!?!?? Since Hanako and Tsukasa share a "tie", (Tsu's wish to heal Amane) then maybe it makes sense that "Tsukasa" got sealed in the school, too, even though only Amane (as a spirit) was supposed to; their deaths were tied, so their souls were as well. Hanako is probably using that "tie" to lure the real evil to him... But that's all just a theory!!! XD

wait wait wait, i just thought of something. What if, and this is a what if that doesn’t rly make sense, that once Akane realised smth was up or FakeTsu was manipulating people (doing bad boy things) he killed or “sealed” the imposter in the school. Hence why they’re both at school and why Hanako has to be the head of the wonders.

OooHhh!! That's not a bad theory, but then we would need an explanation on how Amane gained the power to seal such a strong and ambitious spirit (the imposter). The people at the shrine couldn't help the Yugi twin's mother, so they wouldn't have been able to offer Amane a way to deal with FakeTsu...

But Amane DEFINITELY realized something was up, or else he wouldn't have been abused to such an extent by his own "loving" twin. That's to say, the imposter let Amane in on what happened (or twisted it into a lie) and then started abusing Amane, which Amane forgave bc "it's his own twin brother". At the same time, Amane probably thought that killing FakeTsu and then himself would solve the problem... But it didn't. Cue to the present It would be nice if the updates were more frequent!

So... SEASON 3 ANYONE?? ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

So... THEY'RE MAKING A FRUITS BASKET REMAKE, OHMYGOSH ICAN'TWAIT I'MREALLYLOOKINGFORWARDTOIT ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノლ(´ڡ`ლ) !!! *intense breathing and unexplainable noises* !!!!!!
Thank you to the person replacing chapters 124, 125, and 126!! It's great that we finally get to read the correct chapters! Thank you for your effort and hard work! <3