If you ever get into a relationship, and you find out both of you guys don't have the same valuee/complete opposite values, you have two choices: stay and equally comprise or break up with them.
Having a partner that shares the same values as you is just as important as loving your partner. Because if you values don't align well, it almost always ends in breaking up. For example, if person A wanted kids, but person B is adamant on not having any kids, you can't force either side to lean towards to others' ideals for the sake of keeping their relationship, especially if you're thinking about taking things to the next level.
It's important to get with somebody who shares similar values in ensure a good and balanced relationships.
What the ML is doing here is being a complete asshole, and the MC should totally break up with him. ML is basically giving the MC what he wants even though that's not what he himself wants. Doing something like this so half asses isn't going to make your partner happy, it's going to make you look like an inconsiderate prick.