No one mentioned about how the prince hated her when he didn't even dislike her in the first place. I see people mentioning "unknown reason". It's really obvious Tia said something about her mother, the prince's beloved babysitter which made him angry and hate her. Remember the part she said she can't remember her mother then woosh flashback she said something no good and he was hearing her conversation about the mother. Honestly, if the mother talk didn't happen or maybe the prince didn't try to overhear it then ALL of this won't happen because he seem interested in Tia so he might fall in love with her if. Just because of a small talk considered by Tia ruined her whole life because the prince overheard and he did hate her but not that much and Jieun (is that how you spell her name) made his hatred towards her just like WOOSH rise dear hatred. Oh yeah, the prince most likely won't fall in love with Jieun if all the overhearing didn't happen because I mean, the prince's interested in Tia. In this life, the conversation won't happen, she doesn't remember shit about her mother, the prince is still interested in Tia so he won't hate her and become an asshole. Thus, you guys should not just find reasons to hate him since it was not the current prince that made Tia suffer and such he does NOT have anything to do with the stuff happened in the past life. Well, he was an asshole but that's not HIM. That's the irrational him hating Tia because of stuff and this him got nothing to do with it. I repeat, NOTHING to do with it. He's like, a new guy you know? You shouldn't see him as the old him but the current him. He doesn't even have his past memory. I mean if you were to find out that you are a murderer in the future, the current you would most likely do stuff to avoid it. The rational you isn't the same as your future you. Ugh, I'm not good at giving examples and explaining things but there you go, the first long long comment I post on mangago

I dunno really what you said in the first half (could you link me back to the chapter? ( ̄∇ ̄") Indeed, I don’t remember, but the second half: well said! Prince didn’t even do any of that crap yet, it’s bad to blame him for things he didn’t even do (yet, but the past has changed so much that I doubt he ever will).

He didn't like her from the start. The current him still doesn't like her. He hated her because he bla,ed her for her mother's death. He hated her because her ,other gave birth to her. He hates her because she was "destined" to be his wife. He cureently hates her because she got a name from the "Gods". He hates her because she doesn't want to be the empress. He hates her because he thinks she's in love with Allen. Look anything Tia does makes her untrustworthy and evil to him. No matter what she does he think she's plotting somwthing and dislikes her. So forgive us for not shipping the two together. Just because time went back for her it doesn't mean that it's okay. He ruined her and caused a lot of emotional trauma. Even now he dislikes her for ridiculous reason and you expect her to like him or forgove him? Did you forget he raped her and made her life miserable? He's still trying to make her life miserable now. Knowing he dislikes her but still wants to keep her around? If you dislike or distrust someone why would you want to keep them around? I personally would habe them under investigation or being observe but i wouldn't welcome them or botch about them not wanting to stay at my side as a mere queen. That's unnecessary trouble in the longer run.

He didn't like her because he was always getting compared to her and was jealous of all the things she could do (not because of her name). I thought that he would hate her because she was destined to be his wife and he'd feel trapped by his fate or something, but examining the dialogue and his thoughts, that doesn't seem to be the case, and he appears to be more indifferent to marrying her now.
He doesn't hate her because she doesn't want to be the empress, he is shocked and wants to know why. Yes, he does think that she's suspicious, but he doesn't think she's up to anything. We saw in the last chapter, he wonders why she fears him. I don't blame anyone for not shipping them, every ship has its pros and cons and everyone is entitled to their own.
The alternate future prince ruined her and caused her emotional trauma, but since Tia changed her future that no longer exists. I also think that his reasons for disliking her- not hating her, since he doesn't- are perfectly plausible. Put yourself in his shoes: Here you are reading every book in the library and working hard to be a suitable ruler for your future, and everyone around you just talks about this amazing little girl and even your aunt says to you that 'you're nothing compared to her, good thing she's gonna be the empress so your faults won't be so apparent.'
She doesn't have to like him. She can do whatever she wants and if she's happy and safe then I am happy. He's not trying to make her life miserable, he asked her what she wanted at the ball and took into account her desire to take her family's name.
He did NOT rape her. Please reread this chapter:
He treated her cruelly, but it WAS consensual! She thought that having his child would make him look at her again, so she WANTED to.
Tia being reborn set a lot of wheels in motion and put a lot of others out of commission. This is a different world than the one she left.

I read it over immediately after I wrote the comment and I realised that I mixed the rape scene with another manga/webtoons. He's looking at it one sidedly because she has also been working hard. It takes courage to be in the same room as someone who has damaged you. Also I don't quite understand how he expects her to act around him since even now he's either being cold or giving her attitude. She's a child being yelled at or scolded or talked to in a rough tone is terrifying. Him hating her for a comment passed on by others makes him very immature. Even his own father acknowledged that fault. He's supposed to be smart doesn't he realised that making her queen will do more harm than good? Female jealousy is lethal. He'd be exposing her to danger he's already seen how other countries are aiming for her "empress" title by making someone from their country queen. He's also acknowledge that the queen can act as empress under certain circumstances so what in the world makes him think that she would be happy with the queen title? He also acknowledges that she has been TRAINING TO BE EMPRESS so to suggest being a queen is a slap to the face since it's a downgrade. I'm more interested in in what happened when they we're younger since he seems to think she's scared of him because of "that incident". I hope she tells him exactly what she told the emperor that she doesn't want anything to do with him and that she would prefer if he left her alone because there is a possibility that his empress isn't born yet. Kinda sucks that they will end up together despite all this. Seems as if though Vita likes her now as she or he whatever gender that God is said that she's the child she will watch over now. Or maybe I misunderstood. I prefer her with Carsein his blunt and straight forward personality is the best even if his mom acts like a witch.

She has also been working hard, that is true, but something that both we as the audience and Tia knows is that she has about 8(?) years of life experience on him at the moment. She is still scared of him because she doesn't want the past to repeat, and is working hard to change it, but as evidenced by the dancing scene and many others where she displays her intelligence, her life experience still gives her a huge advantage. I don't think that he hates her exactly, just that he resents being compared to her all the time.
He asked her during the ball if she wanted to be queen because everyone wanted her to be the empress (except her). It was just the "proper" thing to do to make her empress; she'd been preparing for it her whole life and everyone expected it, including the prince. Female jealousy can be pretty dangerous, but thus far he has only seen the air-headed flirty side of those girls. As readers, we know how it can be, but he doesn't. I don't want to bring gender into it, but I feel that a boy of his age wouldn't realize what kind of petty hateful acts girls are capable of.
He also asked her if she wanted to be queen because he'd heard that she wanted to continue her family's legacy (keeping her last name). That is the only explanation he has been given, so taking her wishes into account, he tries to compromise by asking her if she wants to be queen instead. Yes, he knows that she was training to be empress. Rather, in other worlds, it would be a slap in the face to HIM that she would turn down such an honour. Instead of losing her as a smart and valuable asset to the kingdom, he wanted to see if they could come to an agreement where she gets to keep her family's name, and the kingdom gets to keep her as possibly an adviser/council member/someone who knows how to get things done (the queen was previously responsible for important documents that I think may have been diplomatic).
I am neutral on the Prince and Aristia ending up together, as long as she's happy and continues kicking ass, I'm happy. Vita still supports Jieun (for some reason), as I understand the kingdom fell apart because Jieun couldn't do her job so she asked for a reset and Vita decided that she might as well leave poor Tia with her memories too.
But I also like Carsein, he is the most honourable of the guys (⌒▽⌒)

True given his little interaction with women at his age he probably doesn't know. Apart from Tia it seems as if though his only interaction with women is his aunt who has open hostility towards him. We also aren't aware of what happen between him and his aunt, so i guess all this adds to his resentment towards Tia along with whatever took place between them when they were younger. Let's see how this plays out. I hope he offers her an advisor post rather than we when he goes to see why she doesn't want to be the queen. Of course we know they end up together but it would be better for him to drop the queen talk since Tia is still suffering from her trauma. By doing this i believe she will be more at ease. His face expression and the way he watches her needs to change though. Without realising it his cold stares are killing poor Tia.

i m just saying that tia is a unknown person to him plus if hate her , he would made a scandal when she drop tea or when he saw her with allendis
but by the way some people are talking it seem that he hate her or blame him for i didn't do and this kinda piece me off
ps sorry for the " prove" but english isn't my first language some spelling errors
I need raws