This is such an absolutely beautiful manga. It shows some of the struggles of what many people (like myself) from the LGBT+ community experience. I am still in the closet for now until I gather up the courage to tell others. Ive been extremely good at covering up my feelings because I felt like it would only be causing more harm than good. It has only been lately, where I have accepted myself somewhat. People who are part of the LGBTQ+ community are still fighting for our own marriage rights, and the fact that many of us are still suffering from discrimination from all around the world is unacceptable. Maybe some day, we will be completely accepted by society as a whole, accepted by the whole world, and we don't need to be scared of who we love dearest to our hearts. I know it will take a long time, 50, 100 years? Maybe more than that. But one day I tell you. One day.
Not the chapter cutting off at the start of the juicy part