2025-02-24 17:44 marked
NSFW - Coercion & Compensation
Sex through coercion or for some kind of compensation
- Rape or dubcon through coercion/blackmail
- Bribery
- Sex for favors
- Sex for money, sex work, prostitution
- pillow sales
- power gaps
- threats to others / protection
- guilt, emotional manipulation
- payback what you owe
- Rape or dubcon through coercion/blackmail
- Bribery
- Sex for favors
- Sex for money, sex work, prostitution
- pillow sales
- power gaps
- threats to others / protection
- guilt, emotional manipulation
- payback what you owe
2025-02-19 00:51 marked
NSFW - Forced
Forced to have sex (where both participants are unwilling)
Forced to watch
Villains made them do it
Sex pollen / Sex magic
Fuck or die
Fuck to escape / sex escape room
Forced to watch
Villains made them do it
Sex pollen / Sex magic
Fuck or die
Fuck to escape / sex escape room
2025-02-19 00:50 marked
Use Me - Objectification
Objectification / Use Me / Cum dump / cum dumpster / cum bucket / cum rag / Glory Hole / Just a hole for me to use / Hole in wall / kabeshiri / human fuck toy / human toliet / human fleshlight / free use kink / sex slave / Somnophilia / Passed around / kept tied up to use / all you're good for is sex /
2025-02-19 00:49 marked
2024-11-26 03:21 marked
Yaoi: Kidnapped / Locked In / Tied up
As the title says XD - also tied up/restraints are the non-sexy kind == do you know how hard it is to decide between tied up = bondage and tied up = tied up?? Especially because often tied up becomes bondage a couple pages later! ARGH
If they've been bashed over the head or drugged - they're going to be hanging out in my faint/drugged/collapsed/knocked out album
If they've been bashed over the head or drugged - they're going to be hanging out in my faint/drugged/collapsed/knocked out album
2024-11-26 03:19 marked
2024-11-24 07:22 marked
2024-11-24 05:49 marked
2024-11-24 05:49 marked
2024-11-24 05:49 marked
2024-11-24 05:48 marked
Rape/oddly forceful