please send me some rly funny manwhas that r actually funny pls i beg

Here’s my list if manga is ok too~ I hope you find it worthwhile and enjoyable dear! https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/1442197/

Any sad manwha or manga with no romance at all pls? Like rly insanely sad

https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/darkness_before_the_dawn/ forgot to add these too although they aren’t that sad

any recs with no romance about a child getting adopted and having like a found family situation going on, something lighthearted please and no romance at all

Here are some I remember
I hope you enjoy dear
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yotsubato/ (kind of)

Guys any butch gl recs pls I read ona leash and the Prince one and like most of the other ones pls is there any hot butch x butch lesbian recs that r fun and silly omg if there r any streamer ones or like idk IDEC like just any gl pls send them my way

How about "Hottie's Heel"
It's a oneshot tho

Saw someone saying that this one dude from rainbow city grazed his dick on the mcs mouth once and now everyone calls him a red flag but bro… like that is a red flag omg like this dude literally assaulted some random doctor who’s jst passed out and it’s smth minor??
Like idgaf if u still like the fucking man but damn u dnt gotta pretend that piece of shit is not a piece of shit like who in their right mind sees someone trying to stick their dick into a passed out persons mouth like and thinks it’s an accident??? And then the Mc wakes up says why does my mouth smell like fish and everyone laughs like??????????? Motherfucker WHAT R U ON??
Bitch please sa Can NEVER b an accident ong it’s like saying sangwoo is a yellow flag cz he called out for yoonbum b4 he dies like BRO?????
Anyways my point is if y’all wna like fucked up weirdo characters go ahead but don’t b tryna pretend they rnt the weirdos that theyr shown as??

Girl we had a fight like this a couple months ago and I’m really not up to do this again. (Btw you blocked me on my main). I seriously don’t feel like explaining this to you. If you think the Seme is a red flag good for you. I’m not defending his actions either. And I never said it’s an accident what are you on??? I said I acknowledge he SA’d him but I still believe the story is good despite that. So please, let’s not do this.
Hi guys anyone have any sad preferably Yuri recs pls, or any rec that made y’all sob pls help a girl out
taming the tiger (its yaoi tho)
its short but https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/living_will/
Well they asked for yuri… not yaoi
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/her_shimcheong/ (Happy ending)
Thank you thank you these were in my tbr gna get to them rn
Sadly read it Alr thanks sm tho
AAA read this alr but tysmmmm
Tysm but read this alr great rec tho I cried so hard
Ended up a sobbing mess reading these
Thank u thank u checking it out