Gintokisdykegf answered question about question
Gintokisdykegf asked question about question

I was picking my boogers w my toe n collecting them in my mouth cz I ran out of gum n my hands were busy but my toe ig was too big for my nostril n I guess I shoved it in too deep n now it’s like stuck, im having issues breathing now for some reason but like I don’t have asthma or anyth…any idea what to do? My hip is starting to hurt n I hear......

Gintokisdykegf answered question about question
I got normal I see that n I agree
Gintokisdykegf answered question about question
Next ur gna ask me for my social security number… nice try.
Gintokisdykegf answered question about question
This is low even for me
Gintokisdykegf answered question about question
When the character is a murderer n gets blood all over their clothes front n back after sniping someone….
Gintokisdykegf created a topic of One room TA

Girl at the end is so real

Gintokisdykegf answered question about question ?
Gintokisdykegf answered question about stuck my cock in a blender
Trick question, ureter
Gintokisdykegf answered question about stuck my cock in a blender
Yeah saw a yt vid on him he’s insane
Gintokisdykegf answered question about your opinions
Gintokisdykegf answered question about question
The soft art style n the chibis in most manhua n manwha is so annoying n unfunny, also foreign exchange student doesn’t have to b white jst cz they come from America or britain , they can b British/American n a poc, also most bl manwha comedy is so dry I know i literallt jst said this but it’s so unfunny
Gintokisdykegf answered question about question
No i get fifth hand embarrassment
Gintokisdykegf asked a question

Hi guys anyone have any sad preferably Yuri recs pls, or any rec that made y’all sob pls help a girl out