spin off BL series focused on MC and ML's relationship when???

the studio behind the webtoon needs to stop being COWARDS and give us the full on BL moments they omit from the original novel. like ML in the webtoon is all debonair and cool but in the novel he's a straight up "where my hug at?" simp for MC. like in the rapunzel arc; ML literally goes "usually the hero gets a kiss for saving the princess "

ok pause, debating on reading this but girl how does a confession completely mess up your college entrance exam? am I stupid? Esp if nothing came of it?? like maybe it's my Asperger's speaking but (even if the feeling was mutual) I can't imagine fumbling such an important exam just bc a homeboy hits me w a left field "I like you " im sorry but CharlieXCX did not die on the cross for you to let dick come bw you and your future

some people get really caught off guard by a confession or have to sit and brew over it. i know i legit had to brew over two different invites to two different poly couples for two weeks.
if this comes off as rude sorry idk how to explain it in a way that makes sense. but i understand not pickin up on romantic cues or understandin em
the mtl was rough but I got thru it and boy this story is so cute the 2nd hand embarrassment was painful and the self loathing even worse :c but they get a happy ending :> Definitely going to read again when the actual tls get uploaded