So clearly I’m the only one who didn’t find what he said to chanwoo endearing in the slightest. He’s ugly but that’s what I love about him?? TF? Miss me with that. Disappointed, was expecting more but whatever.

Okay then he’s still a dick don’t make it out to be any more than that. I was only stating that I was surprised everyone was gung-ho on them being together knowing how toxic of a person he “still” is according to you. And being nice when you love someone isn’t changing his personality it wouldn’t make him a different person? It’d make him human. obviously at one point he was like that like when he was dating his ex and it appeared as though he had an epiphany when he realized he loved DG, like he’d known he’d done wrong so obviously I expected a learning moment. In my opinion it seemed less genuine the way the author did it. He didn’t need to give DG compliments to the moon and back for me to have felt satisfied but what he said was just not romantic and not a reason to let him see Dg and not a reason to praise him. It soured the whole story that’s all Im Saying. He didn’t even say something that mean to his face when he was intentionally being mean so like wtf lol

I’m sick of the blaming and picking sides. Both Alex and DG were in the wrong. Yes Alex explained there relationship from the beginning but he went out of his way to be an A-hole the whole time, DG was very much in the wrong for what he did there is no denying that but it’s understanding from the emotional abuse Alex has put him through. They both need to self reflect. Alex needs to learn to not treat people in respectful ways and DG needs to learn to value himself more and not allow people to treat him that way.
We were led to believe Suha was just a sexual deviant and now I’m feeling some sex trafficking has something to do with all that...